Dr. Beate Slaby

Nationale und internationale Angelegenheiten

Helmholtz Programm-orientierte Förderung (POF), LOM, Auszeichnungen

Geb. 5 - Raum 5.106
Telefon: +49 431 600-2810
Email: bslaby(at)geomar.de

Wischhofstr. 1-3, 24148 Kiel




  • 2022 – heute: Koordinatorin in der Helmholtz Programmorientierten Förderung (POF) im Programm "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future" des Forschungsbereichs Erde und Umwelt und speziell für Topic 6 "Marine and Polar Life", SynCom-Ankerperson
  • 2019 – 2022: 50% Koordinatorin in der Helmholtz Programmorientierten Förderung (POF) im Programm "Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future" des Forschungsbereichs Erde und Umwelt und speziell für Topic 6 "Marine and Polar Life"; 50% wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
  • 2017 – 2019: Postdoc im Horizon 2020 EU-Projekt SponGES
  • am GEOMAR seit Juli 2015
  • 2013 – 2017: Promotion im Programm “Life Sciences” der Graduate School of Life Sciences, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
  • 2010 – 2012: Masterstudium “Geological Sciences” von LMU und TU München
  • 2007 – 2010: Bachelorstudium “Geosciences” von LMU und TU München


  • Holobionten und deren evolutionäre Entwicklung
  • Leben in extremen Umgebungen
  • 'Omics' unkultivierter Microorganismen
  • Bioinformatische Methoden


Jump to: 2024 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Number of items: 36.


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Steiner, L. X. , Wiese, J. , Rahn, T., Borchert, E. , Slaby, B. M. and Hentschel, U. (2024) Maribacter halichondriae sp. nov., isolated from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea, displays features of a sponge-associated life style. Open Access Antonie van Leeuwenhoek International Journal of General and Molecular Microbiology, 117 . Art.Nr. 56. DOI 10.1007/s10482-024-01950-4.


Busch, K. , Slaby, B. M. , Bach, W., Boetius, A., Clefsen, I., Colaço, A., Creemers, M., Cristobo, J., Federwisch, L., Franke, A., Gavriilidou, A., Hethke, A., Kenchington, E., Mienis, F., Mills, S., Riesgo, A., Ríos, P., Roberts, E. M., Sipkema, D., Pita, L. , Schupp, P. J., Xavier, J., Rapp, H. T. and Hentschel, U. (2022) Biodiversity, environmental drivers, and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome. Open Access Nature Communications, 13 (1). Art.Nr. 5160. DOI 10.1038/s41467-022-32684-4.

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Burgsdorf, I. , Sizikov, S., Squatrito, V. , Britstein, M., Slaby, B. M. , Cerrano, C., Handley, K. M. and Steindler, L. (2022) Lineage-specific energy and carbon metabolism of sponge symbionts and contributions to the host carbon pool. Open Access The ISME Journal, 16 . pp. 1163-1175. DOI 10.1038/s41396-021-01165-9.

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Morganti, T. M., Slaby, B. , de Kluijver, A., Busch, K., Hentschel, U. , Middelburg, J. J., Grotheer, H., Mollenhauer, G., Dannheim, J., Rapp, H. T., Purser, A. and Boetius, A. (2022) Giant sponge grounds of Central Arctic seamounts are associated with extinct seep life. Open Access Nature Communications, 13 (1). Art.Nr. 638. DOI 10.1038/s41467-022-28129-7.

Busch, K. , Slaby, B. M. , Bach, W., Boetius, A., Clefsen, I., Colaco, A., Creemers, M., Cristobo, J., Federwisch, L., Franke, A., Gavriilidou, A., Hethke, A., Kenchington, E., Mienis, F., Mills, S., Riesgo, A., Rios, P., Roberts, E. M., Sipkema, D., Pita, L. , Schupp, P. J., Xavier, J., Rapp, H. T. and Hentschel, U. (2022) The Deep-sea Sponge Microbiome Project: Biodiversity, environmental drivers and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome. [Talk] In: 11. International Sponge Symposium. , 10.-14.10.2022, Leiden, The Netherlands .

Busch, K. , Slaby, B. M. , Bach, W., Boetius, A., Clefsen, I., Colaco, A., Creemers, M., Cristobo, J., Federwisch, L., Franke, A., Gavriilidou, A., Hethke, A., Kenchington, E., Mienis, F., Mills, S., Riesgo, A., Rios, P., Roberts, E. M., Sipkema, D., Pita, L. , Schupp, P. J., Xavier, J., Rapp, H. T. and Hentschel, U. (2022) Large-scale biodiversity patterns of deep-sea microbes: Environmental drivers and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome. [Talk] In: 18. International Symposium on Microbial Ecology. , 14.-19.08.2022, Lausanne, Switzerland .

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Slaby, B. M. , Bayer, K. , Busch, K. , Morganti, T., Boetius, A., Franzenburg, S. and Hentschel, U. (2022) The underappreciated role of chemoautotrophy in the Geodia parva holobiont. Open Access [Poster] In: 11. International Sponge Symposium. , 10.-14.10.2022, Leiden, The Netherlands .


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Villalobos, A. S. , Wiese, J. , Borchert, E. , Rahn, T., Slaby, B. M. , Steiner, L. X. , Künzel, S., Dorador, C. and Imhoff, J. F. (2021) Micromonospora tarapacensis sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from a hypersaline lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 71 (11). Art.Nr. 005109. DOI 10.1099/ijsem.0.005109.

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Robbins, S. J., Song, W., Engelberts, J. P., Glasl, B., Slaby, B. M. , Boyd, J., Marangon, E., Botté, E. S., Laffy, P., Thomas, T. and Webster, N. S. (2021) A genomic view of the microbiome of coral reef demosponges. Open Access The ISME Journal, 15 . pp. 1641-1654. DOI 10.1038/s41396-020-00876-9.

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Morganti, T. M., Purser, A., Rapp, H. T., German, C. R., Jakuba, M. V., Hehemann, L., Blendl, J., Slaby, B. M. and Boetius, A. (2021) In situ observation of sponge trails suggests common sponge locomotion in the deep central Arctic. Open Access Current Biology, 31 (8). R368-R370. DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.014.

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Maldonado, M., López-Acosta, M., Busch, K. , Slaby, B. M. , Bayer, K. , Beazley, L., Hentschel, U. , Kenchington, E. and Rapp, H. T. (2021) A Microbial Nitrogen Engine Modulated by Bacteriosyncytia in Hexactinellid Sponges: Ecological Implications for Deep-Sea Communities. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 . Art.Nr. 638505. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2021.638505.

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Borchert, E. , García-Moyano, A., Sanchez-Carrillo, S., Dahlgren, T. G., Slaby, B. M. , Bjerga, G. E. K., Ferrer, M., Franzenburg, S. and Hentschel, U. (2021) Deciphering a Marine Bone-Degrading Microbiome Reveals a Complex Community Effort. Open Access mSystems, 6 . Art.Nr. e01218-20. DOI 10.1128/mSystems.01218-20.

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de Kluijver, A., Nierop, K. G. J., Morganti, T. M., Bart, M. C., Slaby, B. M. , Hanz, U., de Goeij, J. M., Mienis, F. and Middelburg, J. J. (2021) Bacterial precursors and unsaturated long-chain fatty acids are biomarkers of North-Atlantic deep-sea demosponges. Open Access PLoS ONE, 16 (1). Art.Nr. e0241095. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0241095.

Bayer, K. , Busch, K. , Kenchington, E., Beazley, L., Maldonado, M., Franzenburg, S., Michels, J., Hentschel, U. and Slaby, B. M. (2021) Microbial strategies for survival in the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesii. [Poster] In: 16. Deep-Sea Biology Symposium. , 12.-17.09.2021, Brest, France .


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Busch, K. , Beazley, L., Kenchington, E., Whoriskey, F., Slaby, B. M. and Hentschel, U. (2020) Microbial diversity of the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesii in response to anthropogenic activities. Open Access Conservation Genetics, 21 . pp. 1001-1010. DOI 10.1007/s10592-020-01305-2.

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Bayer, K. , Busch, K. , Kenchington, E., Beazley, L., Franzenburg, S., Michels, J., Hentschel, U. and Slaby, B. M. (2020) Microbial strategies for survival in the glass sponge Vazella pourtalesii . Open Access mSystems, 5 (4). Art.Nr. e00473-20. DOI 10.1128/mSystems.00473-20.

Busch, K. , Slaby, B. M. , Rapp, H. T. and Hentschel, U. and SponGES Consortium (2020) Microbial diversity of deep-sea sponges: Insights into an extensive virtual reference collection and applications in marine conservation. [Talk] In: IMCC6 International Marine Conservation Congress. , 17.-28.08.2020, Online .

Busch, K. , Slaby, B. M. , Rapp, H. T. and Hentschel, U. and SponGES Consortium (2020) Microbial diversity of deep-sea sponges - an ecological perspective across scales. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. , 16.-21.02.2020, San Diego, USA .


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Slaby, B. M. , Franke, A., Rix, L., Pita, L. , Bayer, K. , Jahn, M. T. and Hentschel, U. (2019) Marine Sponge Holobionts in Health and Disease. In: Symbiotic Microbiomes of Coral Reefs Sponges and Corals. , ed. by Li, Z.. Springer Netherlands, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 81-104. ISBN 978-94-024-1610-7 DOI 10.1007/978-94-024-1612-1_7.

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Karimi, E. , Keller-Costa, T. , Slaby, B. M. , Cox, C. J. , da Rocha, U. N., Hentschel, U. and Costa, R. (2019) Genomic blueprints of sponge-prokaryote symbiosis are shared by low abundant and cultivatable Alphaproteobacteria. Open Access Scientific Reports, 9 (1). Art.Nr. 1999. DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-38737-x.


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Bayer, K. , Jahn, M. T. , Slaby, B. M. , Moitinho-Silva, L. and Hentschel, U. (2018) Marine Sponges as Chloroflexi Hot Spots: Genomic Insights and High-Resolution Visualization of an Abundant and Diverse Symbiotic Clade. Open Access mSystems, 3 (6). e00150-18. DOI 10.1128/mSystems.00150-18.

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Karimi, E., Slaby, B. M. , Soares, A. R., Blom, J., Hentschel, U. and Costa, R. (2018) Metagenomic binning reveals versatile nutrient cycling and distinct adaptive features in alphaproteobacterial symbionts of marine sponges. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 94 (6). fiy074. DOI 10.1093/femsec/fiy074.

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Pita, L. , Rix, L., Slaby, B. M. , Franke, A. and Hentschel, U. (2018) The sponge holobiont in a changing ocean: from microbes to ecosystems. Open Access Microbiome, 6 (1). Art.Nr. 46. DOI 10.1186/s40168-018-0428-1.

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Astudillo-García, C., Slaby, B. M. , Waite, D. W., Bayer, K. , Hentschel, U. and Taylor, M. W. (2018) Phylogeny and genomics of SAUL, an enigmatic bacterial lineage frequently associated with marine sponges. Open Access Environmental Microbiology, 20 . pp. 561-576. DOI 10.1111/1462-2920.13965.

Slaby, B. M. , Busch, K., Purser, A., Morganti, T., Rapp, H. T., Boetius, A. and Hentschel, U. (2018) Creatures of the cold and deep: the sponge microbiota of Langseth Ridge. [Talk] In: YOUMARES 9 - The Oceans: Our Research, Our Future. , 11.-14.09.2018, Oldenburg, Germany .


Slaby, B. M. , Hackl, T., Horn, H., Bayer, K. and Hentschel, U. (2017) Metagenomic binning of a marine sponge microbiome reveals unity in defense but metabolic specialization. Open Access The ISME Journal, 11 (11). pp. 2465-2478. DOI 10.1038/ismej.2017.101.

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Slaby, B. M. and Hentschel, U. (2017) Draft Genome Sequences of "Candidatus Synechococcus spongiarum," Cyanobacterial Symbionts of the Mediterranean Sponge Aplysina aerophoba. Open Access Genome Announcements, 5 (17). e00268-17. DOI 10.1128/genomeA.00268-17.

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Slaby, B. M. (2017) Exploring the microbiome of the Mediterranean sponge Aplysina aerophoba by single-cell and metagenomics. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany, 131 pp.

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Slaby, B. , Hackl, T., Horn, H., Bayer, K. and Hentschel, U. (2017) Metagenomic binning of a marine sponge microbiome reveals unity in defense but metabolic specialization. Open Access [Talk] In: 10. World Sponge Conference. , 26.-30.06.2017, Galway, Ireland .

Slaby, B. , Hackl, T., Horn, H., Bayer, K. and Hentschel, U. (2017) Metagenomic binning of a marine sponge microbiome reveals unity in defense but metabolic specialization. [Talk] In: Gordon Research Conference Animal-Microbe Symbioses. , 11-16.06.2017 , West Dover, VT, USA .

Slaby, B. M. , Hackl, T., Horn, H., Bayer, K. and Hentschel, U. (2017) Metagenomic binning of a marine sponge microbiome reveals unity in defense but metabolic specialization. Open Access [Talk] In: Young Investigator Research Day. , 16.05.2017, Kiel .


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Horn, H., Slaby, B. M. , Jahn, M. T., Bayer, K. , Moitinho-Silva, L., Förster, F., Abdelmohsen, U. R. and Hentschel, U. (2016) An Enrichment of CRISPR and Other Defense-Related Features in Marine Sponge-Associated Microbial Metagenomes. Open Access Frontiers in Microbiology, 7 (1751). DOI 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01751.


Burgsdorf, I., Slaby, B. M. , Handley, K. M., Haber, M., Blom, J., Marshall, C. W., Gilbert, J. A., Hentschel, U. and Steindler, L. (2015) Lifestyle Evolution in Cyanobacterial Symbionts of Sponges. mBio, 6 (3). e00391-15. DOI 10.1128/mBio.00391-15.

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Bayer, K. , Slaby, B. M. and Hentschel, U. (2015) Den Unkultivierbaren auf der Spur. Biospektrum - das Magazin für Biowissenschaften, 21 (1). pp. 17-19. DOI 10.1007/s12268-015-0526-6.

Burgsdorf, I., Slaby, B. , Handley, K. M., Haber, M., Hentschel, U. and Steindler, L. (2015) Lifestyle evolution in cyanobacterial symbionts of sponges. [Poster] In: Applied & Environmental Microbiology Gordon Research Seminar (11.-12.) and Conference (12.-17.) 07.2015. , 11.-17.07.2015, South Hadley, MA, USA .

Slaby, B. (2015) Lifestyle evolution in cyanobacterial symbionts of sponges. [Talk] In: Applied & Environmental Microbiology Gordon Research Conference. , 12.-17.07.2015, South Hadley, MA, USA .

This list was generated on Fri Jul 26 18:07:08 2024 CEST.

Beiträge zu Konferenzen

  • YOUMARES 9, Oldenburg, Germany (Vortrag)
  • ISME17, Leipzig, Germany (Poster)
  • Marine 'omics Workshop, Delmenhorst, Germany (Vortrag)
  • YOUMARES 8, Kiel, Germany (Vortrag)
  • 10th World Sponge Conference, Galway, Ireland (Vortrag)
  • Gordon Research Conference Animal-Microbe Symbioses, West Dover, VT, USA (Poster)
  • Young Investigator Research Day, Kiel, Germany (Vortrag)
  • Essential Ocean Variables Workshop, Kiel, Germany (Poster)
  • Eureka!, 10th International Symposium Organized by the Students of the GSLS, Wuerzburg, Germany (Poster)
  • Gordon Research Conference Applied & Environmental Microbiology, South Hadley, MA, USA (Kurzvortrag und Poster)
  • 2nd Global Invertebrate Genomics Alliance (GIGA) Workshop, Munich, Germany (Poster)
  • 2nd International Symposium on Sponge Microbiology, Baltimore, MD, USA (Poster)
  • Eureka!, 9th International Symposium Organized by the Students of the GSLS, Wuerzburg, Germany (Poster)
  • 9th Annual DOE JGI User Meeting, Walnut Creek, CA, USA (Poster)
  • SCIX Scientific Crosstalk, 8th International Symposium Organized by the Students of the Graduate School of Life Sciences, Wuerzburg, Germany (Poster)

Öffentliche Vorträge

  • Naturerlebniszentrum Maasholm 2018: Slaby B. "Schwämme: die Methusaleme der Meere"
  • Kieler Woche 2017: Slaby B. "Schwämme: Methusaleme der Meere"
  • Kinder- und Schüleruni Kiel 2017: Hentschel U, Slaby B, Jung S. "Meeresschwämme und Mikroorganismen: Pioniere der Evolution"


  • 06/2017: Reisekostenbeihilfe der GlaxoSmithKline (gsk) Stiftung für die 10th World Sponge Conference, Galway, Irland
  • 02/2013-01/2016: Promotionsstipendium der Graduate School of Life Sciences (GSLS) der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


  • seit 2020: Betreuung von Online-Praktika und Vorlesungen zu Scientific Computing
  • seit 2017: Betreuung von Praktika und Abschlussarbeiten (BSc, MSc)
  • 2013: Betreuung einer Bachelorarbeit, Würzburg
  • 2012-2014: Betreuung von Laborpraktika, München und Würzburg


  • Aug/Sep 2019: MSM86 auf RV "Maria S. Merian" (Probennahme an arktischen Tiefseeschwämmen)
  • 2016: PS101 auf RV "Polarstern" (Probennahme an arktischen Tiefseeschwämmen)
  • 2012: SO224 auf RV “Sonne” (Betreuung des Parasound-Systems, Sedimentecholot)
  • 2009: ANT XXV/5 auf RV “Polarstern” und MSM12/2 auf RV “Maria S. Merian” (Betreuung des Parasound-Systems, Sedimentecholot, Unterstützung bei der Sedimentkern-Beprobung)