
Prof. Dr. Colin Devey

  Forschungsbereich 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
  FE Magmatische und hydrothermale Systeme

  Raum: 8/D-203
  Telefon: +49 431 600-2257
  Fax: +49 431 600-2924
  E-Mail: cdevey(at)

  Wischhofstrasse 1-3
  D-24148 Kiel

Ausbildung und Werdegang


1986 - 1988   Royal Society European Postdoctoral Research Fellow

2022              "Stein im Brett"-Preis des Berufsverbands Deutscher Geowissenschaftler

Tätigkeit in Gremien und gutachterliche Tätigkeit


  • Gutachter für Nature, Earth Planet. Sci. Letts., Marine Geology usw.
  • 2005-2015 deutscher Repräsentant des Scientific Committee for Ocean Research (SCOR)
  • 2004-2006 Vorsitzender von InterRidge
  • 2001-2004 Mitglied des (I)ODP Science Steering and Evaluation Panel


  • seit 2021 Mitglied im Programm-Board "Changing Earth - Sustaining our future" im Helmholtz-Forschungsbereich Erde & Umwelt
  • 2001-2012 Mitglied der "Senatskommission für Ozeanographie", Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe "Verantwortungsvolle Meeresforschung"

Wissenschaftliches Interesse

Magmengenese an Mittelozeanischen Rücken

Wärmebudget von Spreizungsachsen

Die Alteration der ozeanischen Kruste


Ridge-Hotspot Wechselwirkungen

Öffentliche Wissenskommunikation

  • "Unsere Kontinente: Asien" ZDF / Terra X Erstausstrahlung 17.09.2022, Moderator und Fachberater (45 min.)
  • "Expedition Deutschland - Das Vermächtnis der Steine: Der Süden" ZDF / Terra X Erstausstrahlung 03.10.2021, Moderator und Fachberater (45 min.)
  • "Expedition Deutschland - Das Vermächtnis der Steine: Der Norden" ZDF / Terra X Erstausstrahlung 19.09.2021, Moderator und Fachberater (45 min.)
  • "Expedition Europa 2 - Die Verwandlung des Kontinents" ZDF / Terra X Erstausstrahlung 13.01.2019, Moderator und Fachberater (45 min.)
  • "Expedition Europa 1 - Geburt eines Kontinents" ZDF / Terra X Erstausstrahlung 16.08.2018, Moderator und Fachberater (45 min.)
  • "Expedition Deutschland" ZDF / Terra X 2013, Moderator und Fachberater (2x 45 min. Sendungen)


Number of items: 246.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

[thumbnail of JGR Oceans - 2025 - Mohn - Dynamics of Near‐Bottom Currents in Cold‐Water Coral and Sponge Areas at Valdivia Bank and Ewing.pdf]

Mohn, C., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , García, P. J., Orejas, C., Huvenne, V. A. I., Schumacher, M., Pérez‐Rodríguez, I., Sarralde Vizuete, R., López‐Abellán, L. J., Dale, A. C., Devey, C. , Hansen, J. L. S., Møller, E. F. and Biastoch, A. (2025) Dynamics of Near‐Bottom Currents in Cold‐Water Coral and Sponge Areas at Valdivia Bank and Ewing Seamount, Southeast Atlantic. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 130 (1). e2024JC021667. DOI 10.1029/2024JC021667.

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Brandl, P. A. , Beier, C., Haase, K. M., Genske, F., Hauff, F. , Regelous, M., Devey, C. and Rüpke, L. H. (2024) The geodynamics of plume-influenced mid-ocean ridges: insights from the Foundation Segment of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 12 . Art.Nr. 1456429. DOI 10.3389/feart.2024.1456429.

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Ziolkowski, T. , Koschmider, A. and Devey, C. (2024) An optimized outlier detection function for multibeam echo-sounder data. Open Access Computers & Geosciences, 186 . Art.Nr. 105572. DOI 10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105572.

Kwasnitschka, T. , Hansteen, T. H. , Ramalho, R. S., Devey, C. W. , Klügel, A., Samrock, L. K. and Wartho, J. A. (2024) Geomorphology and Age Constraints of Seamounts in the Cabo Verde Archipelago, and Their Relationship to Island Ages and Geodynamic Evolution. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25 (3). e2023GC011071. DOI 10.1029/2023GC011071.

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Ahmad, Q., Wille, M., Labidi, J., König, S., Devey, C. and Mezger, K. (2023) Heavy Mo isotope enrichment in the Pitcairn plume: Implications for the subduction cycle of anoxic sediments. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 624 . Art.Nr. 118466. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2023.118466.

Le Saout, M. , Pałgan, D., Devey, C. W. , Lux, T. S., Petersen, S. , Thorhallsson, D., Tomkowicz, A. and Brix, S. (2023) Variations in Volcanism and Tectonics Along the Hotspot‐Influenced Reykjanes Ridge. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24 (4). Art.Nr. e2022GC010788. DOI 10.1029/2022GC010788.

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Roberts, J. M., Devey, C. W. , Biastoch, A. , Carreiro-Silva, M., Dohna, T., Dorschel, B., Gunn, V., Huvenne, V. A. I., Johnson, D., Jollivet, D., Kenchington, E., Larkin, K., Matabos, M., Morato, T., Naumann, M. S., Orejas, C., Perez, J. A. A., Ragnarsson, S. Á., Smit, A. J., Sweetman, A., Unger, S., Boteler, B. and Henry, L. A. (2023) A blueprint for integrating scientific approaches and international communities to assess basin-wide ocean ecosystem status. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 4 (1). Art.Nr. 12. DOI 10.1038/s43247-022-00645-w.

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Schumacher, M., Huvenne, V. A. I., Devey, C. W. , Arbizu, P. M., Biastoch, A. and Meinecke, S. (2022) The Atlantic Ocean landscape: A basin-wide cluster analysis of the Atlantic near seafloor environment. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 9 . Art.Nr. 936095. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2022.936095.

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Ziolkowski, T., Koschmider, A., Kröger, P. and Devey, C. W. (2022) Outlier quantification for multibeam data. Open Access Informatik Spektrum, 45 . pp. 218-222. DOI 10.1007/s00287-022-01469-w.

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Taylor, J., Devey, C. , Le Saout, M. , Petersen, S. , Kwasnitschka, T., Frutos, I., Linse, K., Lörz, A. N., Pałgan, D., Tandberg, A. H., Svavarsson, J., Thorhallsson, D., Tomkowicz, A., Egilsdóttir, H., Ragnarsson, S. Á., Renz, J., Markhaseva, E. L., Gollner, S., Paulus, E., Kongsrud, J., Beermann, J., Kocot, K. M., Meißner, K., Bartholomä, A., Hoffman, L., Vannier, P., Marteinsson, V. Þ., Rapp, H. T., Díaz-Agras, G., Tato, R. and Brix, S. (2021) The Discovery and Preliminary Geological and Faunal Descriptions of Three New Steinahóll Vent Sites, Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 8 . Art.Nr. 520713. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2021.520713.

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Devey, C. W. , Greinert, J. , Boetius, A., Augustin, N. and Yeo, I. (2021) How volcanically active is an abyssal plain? Evidence for recent volcanism on 20 Ma Nazca Plate seafloor. Open Access Marine Geology, 440 . Art.Nr. 106548. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106548.

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Augustin, N. , van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. and Brandsdóttir, B. (2021) 13 million years of seafloor spreading throughout the Red Sea Basin. Open Access Nature Communications, 12 . Art.Nr. 2427. DOI 10.1038/s41467-021-22586-2.

Grevemeyer, I. , Rüpke, L. H. , Morgan, J. P., Iyer, K. and Devey, C. W. (2021) Extensional tectonics and two-stage crustal accretion at oceanic transform faults. Nature, 591 (7850). pp. 402-407. DOI 10.1038/s41586-021-03278-9.

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Riehl, T., Wölfl, A. C. , Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. and Brandt, A. (2020) Discovery of widely available abyssal rock patches reveals overlooked habitat type and prompts rethinking deep-sea biodiversity. Open Access PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117 (27). pp. 15450-15459. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1920706117.

Schmid, F. , Kopp, H. , Schnabel, M., Dannowski, A. , Heyde, I., Riedel, M. , Hannington, M. D., Engels, M., Beniest, A., Klaucke, I. , Augustin, N. , Brandl, P. A. and Devey, C. (2020) Crustal structure of the Niuafo’ou Microplate and Fonualei Rift and Spreading Center in the northeastern Lau Basin, Southwestern Pacific. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125 (6). Art.Nr. e2019JB019184. DOI 10.1029/2019JB019184.

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German, C. R., Resing, J. A., Xu, G., Yeo, I. A., Walker, S. L., Devey, C. W. , Moffett, J. W., Cutter, G. A., Hyvernaud, O. and Reymond, D. (2020) Hydrothermal Activity and Seismicity at Teahitia Seamount: Reactivation of the Society Islands Hotspot?. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 (73). DOI 10.3389/fmars.2020.00073.

Brandl, P. A. , Schmid, F. , Augustin, N. , Grevemeyer, I. , Arculus, R. J., Devey, C. W. , Petersen, S. , Stewart, M., Kopp, H. and Hannington, M. D. (2020) The 6–8 Aug 2019 eruption of ‘Volcano F’ in the Tofua Arc, Tonga. Open Access Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 390 (Article number 106695). DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2019.106695.

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Wölfl, A. C. , Snaith, H., Amirebrahimi, S., Devey, C. W. , Dorschel, B., Ferrini, V., Huvenne, V. A., Jakobsson, M., Jencks, J., Johnston, G., Lamarche, G., Mayer, L., Millar, D., Pedersen, T. H., Picard, K., Reitz, A., Schmitt, T., Visbeck, M. , Weatherall, P. and Wigley, R. (2019) Seafloor Mapping – the challenge of a truly global ocean bathymetry. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 6 . Art.Nr. 283. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2019.00283.

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Schmid, F. , Peters, M., Walter, M., Devey, C. , Petersen, S. , Yeo, I., Köhler, J., Jamieson, J. W., Walker, S. and Sültenfuß, J. (2019) Physico-chemical properties of newly discovered hydrothermal plumes above the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (13°-33°S). Open Access Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 148 . pp. 34-52. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr.2019.04.010.

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Devey, C. W. , Augustin, N. , Brandt, A., Brenke, N., Köhler, J., Lins, L., Schmidt, C. and Yeo, I. A. (2018) Habitat characterization of the Vema Fracture Zone and Puerto Rico Trench. Open Access Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 148 . pp. 7-20. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.2018.02.003.

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Baker, P., Minzlaff, U., Schoenle, A., Schwabe, E., Hohlfeld, M., Jeuck, A., Brenke, N., Prausse, D., Rothenbeck, M., Brix, S., Frutos, I., Jörger, K. M., Neusser, T. P., Koppelmann, R., Devey, C. , Brandt, A. and Arndt, H. (2018) Potential contribution of surface-dwelling Sargassum algae to deep-sea ecosystems in the southern North Atlantic. Open Access Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 148 . pp. 21-34. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.2017.10.002.

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Palgan, D., Devey, C. W. and Yeo, I. A. (2017) Volcanism and hydrothermalism on a hotspot–influenced ridge: Comparing Reykjanes Peninsula and Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland. Open Access Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 348 . pp. 62-81. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2017.10.017.

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van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. , Hansteen, T. H. , Almeev, R. R., Augustin, N. , Frische, M., Haase, K. M., Basaham, A. and Snow, J. E. (2017) Lower crustal hydrothermal circulation at slow-spreading ridges: evidence from chlorine in Arctic and South Atlantic basalt glasses and melt inclusions. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172 (11-12, Article Nr. 97). DOI 10.1007/s00410-017-1418-1.

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Helbig, C., Dransch, D., Böttinger, M., Devey, C. , Haas, A., Hlawitschka, M., Kuenzer, C., Rink, K., Schäfer-Neth, C., Scheuermann, G., Kwasnitschka, T. and Unger, A. (2017) Challenges and strategies for the visual exploration of complex environmental data. International Journal of Digital Earth, 10 (10). pp. 1070-1076. DOI 10.1080/17538947.2017.1327618.

Kendrick, M. A., Hémond, C., Kamenetsky, V. S., Danyushevsky, L., Devey, C. W. , Rodemann, T., Jackson, M. G. and Perfit, M. R. (2017) Seawater cycled throughout Earth’s mantle in partially serpentinized lithosphere. Nature Geoscience, 10 (3). pp. 222-228. DOI 10.1038/ngeo2902.

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Wölfl, A. C. , Jencks, J., Johnston, G., Varner, J. and Devey, C. (2017) Identifying deep-sea target areas for a pilot Atlantic seabed mapping project using GIS techniques. Open Access The Journal of Ocean Technology, 12 (4). pp. 28-42.

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Elkins, L. J., Scott, S. R., Sims, K. W. W., Rivers, E. R., Devey, C. W. , Reagan, M., Hamelin, C. and Pedersen, R. (2016) Exploring the role of mantle eclogite at mid-ocean ridges and hotspots: U-series constraints on Jan Mayen Island and the Kolbeinsey Ridge. Chemical Geology, 444 . pp. 128-140. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2016.09.035.

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Augustin, N. , van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. , Ligi, M., Kwasnitschka, T. , Feldens, P., Bantan, R. A. and Basaham, A. S. (2016) Geomorphology of the central Red Sea Rift: Determining spreading processes. Geomorphology, 274 . pp. 162-179. DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.08.028.

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Delavault, H., Chauvel, C., Thomassot, E., Devey, C. W. and Dazas, B. (2016) Sulfur and lead isotopic evidence of relic Archean sediments in the Pitcairn mantle plume. Open Access PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113 (46). pp. 12952-12956. DOI 10.1073/pnas.1523805113.

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Palgan, D., Devey, C. W. and Yeo, I. A. (2016) Dike control of hydrothermal circulation in the Tertiary Icelandic crust and implications for cooling of the seafloor. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 316 . pp. 22-33. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2016.02.021.

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Dullo, W. C. and Devey, C. (2016) Joggins Cliff on Nova Scotia: the most spectacular view into Upper Carboniferous time. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 105 (2). pp. 581-582. DOI 10.1007/s00531-015-1256-1.

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Kwasnitschka, T., Köser, K., Sticklus, J. , Rothenbeck, M., Weiß, T., Wenzlaff, E., Schoening, T. , Triebe, L., Steinführer, A., Devey, C. and Greinert, J. (2016) DeepSurveyCam — A Deep Ocean Optical Mapping System. Open Access Sensors, 16 (164). DOI 10.3390/s16020164.

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Yeo, I. A., Devey, C. W. , LeBas, T. B., Augustin, N. and Steinführer, A. (2016) Segment-scale volcanic episodicity: Evidence from the North Kolbeinsey Ridge, Atlantic. Open Access Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 439 . pp. 81-87. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2016.01.029.

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Elkins, L. J., Hamelin, C., Blichert-Toft, J., Scott, S. R., Sims, K. W. W., Yeo, I. A., Devey, C. W. and Pedersen, R. B. (2016) North Atlantic hotspot-ridge interaction near Jan Mayen Island. Open Access Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2 (1). pp. 55-67. DOI 10.7185/geochemlet.1606.

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Haase, K. M., Brandl, P. A. , Devey, C. W. , Hauff, F. , Melchert, B., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Kokfelt, T. and Paulick, H. (2016) Compositional variation and 226Ra-230Th model ages of axial lavas from the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 8°48′S. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17 (1). pp. 199-218. DOI 10.1002/2015GC006016.

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Laurila, T. E., Hannington, M. D., Leybourne, M., Petersen, S. , Devey, C. W. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2015) New Insights into the mineralogy of the Atlantis II deep metalliferous sediments, Red Sea. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16 (12). pp. 4449-4478. DOI 10.1002/2015GC006010.

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Turner, S., Kokfelt, T., Hauff, F. , Haase, K., Lundstrom, C., Hoernle, K. , Yeo, I. and Devey, C. (2015) Mid-ocean ridge basalt generation along the slow-spreading, South Mid-Atlantic Ridge (5–11°S): Inferences from 238U–230Th–226Ra disequilibria. Open Access Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 169 . pp. 152-166. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2015.07.036.

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van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. , Augustin, N. , Almeev, R. R., Bantan, R. A. and Basaham, A. (2015) Hydrothermal activity at the ultraslow- to slow-spreading Red Sea Rift traced by chlorine in basalt. Chemical Geology, 405 . pp. 63-81. DOI 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2015.04.001.

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Hasenclever, J., Theissen-Krah, S., Rüpke, L. H. , Morgan, J. P., Iyer, K. , Petersen, S. and Devey, C. W. (2014) Hybrid shallow on-axis and deep off-axis hydrothermal circulation at fast-spreading ridges. Nature, 508 (7497). pp. 508-512. DOI 10.1038/nature13174.

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Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , van der Zwan, F. M. , Feldens, P., Tominaga, M., Bantan, R. A. and Kwasnitschka, T. (2014) The rifting to spreading transition in the Red Sea. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 395 . pp. 217-230. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2014.03.047.

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Kwasnitschka, T., Hansteen, T. H. , Devey, C. W. and Kutterolf, S. (2013) Doing Fieldwork on the Seafloor: Photogrammetric Techniques to yield 3D Visual Models from ROV Video. Open Access Computers & Geosciences, 52 . pp. 218-226. DOI 10.1016/j.cageo.2012.10.008.

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Vishiti, A., Petersen, S. , Devey, C. and Suh, C. E. (2013) Arsenian pyrite-bearing altered volcanics dredged SE of Cheshire Seamount, western Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guines. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie: Abhandlungen = Journal of Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 190 (3). pp. 327-340. DOI 10.1127/0077-7757/2013/0241.

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Laurila, T. E., Petersen, S. , Devey, C. W. , Baker, E. T., Augustin, N. and Hannington, M. D. (2012) Tectonic and magmatic controls on hydrothermal activity in the Woodlark Basin. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13 . Q09006. DOI 10.1029/2012GC004247.

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van der Zwan, F. M. , Fietzke, J. and Devey, C. W. (2012) Precise measurement of low (<100 ppm) chlorine concentrations in submarine basaltic glass by electron microprobe. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 27 (11). pp. 1966-1974. DOI 10.1039/C2JA30173C.

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Elkins, L. J., Sims, K. W. W., Prytulak, J., Elliott, T., Mattielli, N., Blichert-Toft, J., Blusztajn, J., Dunbar, N., Devey, C. , Mertz, D. F., Schilling, J. G. and Murrell, M. (2011) Understanding melt generation beneath the slow-spreading Kolbeinsey Ridge using 238U, 230Th, and 231Pa excesses. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (21). pp. 6300-6329. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2011.08.020.

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Speckbacher, R., Behrmann, J. H. , Nagel, T. J., Stipp, M. and Devey, C. W. (2011) Splitting a continent : insights from submarine high resolution mapping of the Moresby Seamount detachment, offshore Papua New Guinea . Geology, 39 (7). pp. 651-654. DOI 10.1130/G31931.1.

Stroncik, N. A. and Devey, C. W. (2011) Recycled gabbro signature in hotspot magmas unveiled by plume–ridge interactions. Nature Geoscience, 4 . pp. 393-397. DOI 10.1038/NGEO1121.

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Ngwa, C., Suh, C. E. and Devey, C. W. (2010) Phreatomagmatic deposits and stratigraphic reconstruction at Debunscha Maar (Mt Cameroon volcano). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 192 (3-4). pp. 201-211. DOI 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.02.012.

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Haase, K. M., Koschinsky, A., Petersen, S. , Devey, C. W. , German, C., Lackschewitz, K., Melchert, B., Seifert, R., Borowski, C., Giere, O. and Paulick, H. and M64 1 Scientific Party, M68 1 Scientific Party, M78 2 Scientific Party (2009) Diking, young volcanism and diffuse hydrothermal activity on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: The Lilliput field at 9°33'S. Marine Geology, 266 (1-4). pp. 52-64. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.07.012.

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Almeev, R., Holtz, F., Koepke, J., Haase, K. and Devey, C. W. (2008) Depths of Partial Crystallization of H2O-bearing MORB: Phase Equilibria simulations of Basalts at the MAR near Ascension Island (7-11°S). Journal of Petrology, 49 (1). pp. 25-45. DOI 10.1093/petrology/egm068.

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Augustin, N. , Lackschewitz, K., Kuhn, T. and Devey, C. W. (2008) Mineralogical and chemical mass changes in mafic and ultramafic rocks from the Logatchev hydrothermal field (MAR 15°N). Marine Geology, 256 (1/4). pp. 18-29. DOI 10.1016/j.margeo.2008.09.004.

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Melchert, B., Devey, C. W. , German, C. R., Lackschewitz, K., Seifert, R., Walter, M., Mertens, C., Yoerger, D. R., Baker, E. T., Paulick, H. and Nakamura, K. (2008) First evidence for high-temperature off-axis venting of deep crustal/mantle heat: the Nibelungen hydrothermal field, southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 275 . pp. 61-69. DOI 10.1016/j.epsl.2008.08.010.

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Haase, K. M., Petersen, S. , Koschinsky, A., Seifert, R., Devey, C. W. , Keir, R., Lackschewitz, K., Melchert, B., Perner, M. , Schmale, O., Süling, J., Dubilier, N., Zielinski, F. and Fretzdorff, S. (2007) Young volcanism and related hydrothermal activity at 5°S on the slow-spreading southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Open Access Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8 (Q11002). DOI 10.1029/2006GC001509.

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Lackschewitz, K., Devey, C. W. , Stoffers, P., Botz, R., Eisenhauer, A. , Kummetz, M., Schmidt, M. and Singer, A. (2004) Mineralogical, geochemical and isotopic characteristics of hydrothermal alteration processes in the active, submarine, felsic-hosted PACMANUS field, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 68 (21). pp. 4405-4427. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2004.04.016.

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Devey, C. W. , Lackschewitz, K., Mertz, D. F., Bourdon, B., Cheminee, J. L., Dubois, J., Guivel, C., Hekinian, R. and Stoffers, P. (2003) Giving birth to hotspot volcanoes: Distribution and composition of young seamounts from the seafloor near Tahiti and Pitcairn. Geology, 31 (5). pp. 395-398. DOI 10.1130/0091-7613(2003)031<0395:GBTHVD>2.0.CO;2.

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Haase, K. M., Devey, C. W. and Wienecke, M. (2003) Magmatic processes and mantle heterogeneity beneath the slow-spreading northern Kolbeinsey Ridge segment, North Atlantic. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 144 (4). pp. 428-448. DOI 10.1007/s00410-002-0408-z.

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Hekinian, R., Cheminee, J. L., Dubois, J., Stoffers, P., Scott, S., Guivel, C., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Devey, C. W. , Bourdon, B., Lackschewitz, K., McMurtry, G. and Le Drezen, E. (2003) The Pitcairn hotspot in the South Pacific: distribution and composition of submarine volcanic sequences. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 121 (3-4). pp. 219-245. DOI 10.1016/S0377-0273(02)00427-4.

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Lackschewitz, K., Mertz, D. F., Devey, C. W. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (2003) Late Cenozoic volcanism in the western Woodlark Basin area, SW Pacific: the sources of marine volcanic ash layers based on their elemental and Sr-Nd isotope compositions. Bulletin of Volcanology, 65 (2-3). pp. 182-200. DOI 10.1007/s00445-002-0252-z.

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Eisele, J., Sharma, M., Galer, S. J. G., Blichert-Toft, J., Devey, C. W. and Hofmann, A. W. (2002) The role of sediment recycling in EM-1 inferred from Os, Pb, Hf, Nd, Sr isotope and trace element systematics of the Pitcairn hotspot. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 196 (3-4). pp. 197-212. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(01)00601-X.

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Fretzdorff, S., Livermore, R. A., Devey, C. W. , Leat, P. T. and Stoffers, P. (2002) Petrogenesis of the Back-arc East Scotia Ridge, South Atlantic Ocean. Open Access Journal of Petrology, 43 (8). pp. 1435-1467. DOI 10.1093/petrology/43.8.1435.

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Grevemeyer, I. , Schramm, B., Devey, C. W. , Jochum, B., Wilson, D. S., Hauschild, J., Aric, K., Villinger, H. and Weigel, W. (2002) A multibeam-sonar, magnetic and geochemical flowline survey at 14°14′S on the southern East Pacific Rise: insights into the fourth dimension of ridge crest segmentation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 199 (3-4). pp. 359-372. DOI 10.1016/S0012-821X(02)00595-2.

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Devey, C. W. , Hémond, C. and Stoffers, P. (2000) Metasomatic reactions between carbonated plume melts and mantle harzburgite: the evidence from Friday and Domingo Seamounts (Juan Fernandez chain, SE Pacific). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 139 (1). pp. 68-84. DOI 10.1007/s004100050574.

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Sirocko, F., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and Devey, C. W. (2000) Processes controlling trace element geochemistry of Arabian Sea sediments during the last 25,000 years. Global and Planetary Change, 26 (1-3). pp. 217-303. DOI 10.1016/S0921-8181(00)00046-1.

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Fretzdorff, S., Stoffers, P., Devey, C. W. and Munschy, M. (1998) Structure and morphology of submarine volcanism in the hotspot region around Réunion Island, western Indian Ocean. Marine Geology, 148 (1-2). pp. 39-53. DOI 10.1016/S0025-3227(98)00022-X.

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Geldmacher, J. , Haase, K. M., Devey, C. W. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (1998) The petrogenesis of Tertiary cone-sheets in Ardnamurchan, NW Scotland: petrological and geochemical constraints on crustal contamination and partial melting. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 131 (2-3). pp. 196-209. DOI 10.1007/s004100050388.

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Devey, C. W. , Hékinian, R., Ackermand, D., Binard, N., Francke, B., Hémond, C., Kapsimalis, V., Lorenc, S., Maia, M., Möller, H., Perrot, K., Pracht, J., Rogers, T., Stattegger, K., Steinke, S. and Victor, P. (1997) The Foundation Seamount chain: a first survey and sampling. Marine Geology, 137 (3-4). pp. 191-200. DOI 10.1016/S0025-3227(96)00104-1.

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Hékinian, R., Stoffers, P., Devey, C. W. , Ackermand, D., Hémond, C., O´Connor, J., Binard, N. and Maia, M. (1997) Intraplate versus ridge volcanism on the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge near 37°S-111°W. Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 102 (B6). pp. 12265-12286.

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Mühe, R., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Devey, C. W. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (1997) On the redistribution of Pb in the oceanic crust during hydrothermal alteration. Chemical Geology, 137 (1-2). pp. 67-77. DOI 10.1016/S0009-2541(96)00151-9.

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Haase, K., Devey, C. W. and Goldstein, S. J. (1996) Two-way exchange between the Easter mantle plume and the Easter microplate spreading axis. Nature, 382 (6589). pp. 344-346.

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Haase, K. M., Devey, C. W. , Mertz, D. F., Stoffers, P. and Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. (1996) Geochemistry of lavas from Mohns Ridge, Norwegian-Greenland Sea: implications for melting conditions and magma sources near Jan Mayen. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 123 (3). pp. 223-237. DOI 10.1007/s004100050152.

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Hékinian, R., Stoffers, P., Ackermand, D., Binard, N., Francheteau, J., Devey, C. W. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (1995) Magmatic evolution of the Easter Microplate - Crough Seamount region (Southwest Pacific). Marine Geophysical Research, 17 (4). pp. 375-397. DOI 10.1007/BF01227041.

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Devey, C. W. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D., Stoffers, P., Chauvel, C. and Mertz, D. F. (1994) Geochemical effects of dynamic melting beneath ridges: Reconciling major and trace element variations in Kolbeinsey (and global) mid-ocean ridge basalt. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 99 (B5). pp. 9077-9095. DOI 10.1029/93JB03364.

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Mühe, R., Devey, C. W. and Bohrmann, H. (1993) Isotope and trace element geochemistry of MORB from the Nansen-Gakkel ridge at 86° north. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 120 (3-4). pp. 103-109. DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(93)90233-Y.

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Woodhead, J. D. and Devey, C. W. (1993) Geochemistry of the Pitcairn seamounts, I: source character and temporal trends. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 116 (1-4). pp. 81-99. DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(93)90046-C.

Devey, C. W. and Stephens, W. E. (1991) Tholeiitic dykes in the Seychelles and the original spatial extent of the Deccan. Journal of the Geological Society, 148 (6). pp. 979-983. DOI 10.1144/gsjgs.148.6.0979.

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Mertz, D. F., Devey, C. W. , Todt, W., Stoffers, P. and Hofmann, A. W. (1991) Sr-Nd-Pb isotope evidence against plume-asthenosphere mixing north of Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 107 (2). pp. 243-255. DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(91)90074-R.

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Devey, C. W. , Albarède, F., Cheminee, J. L., Michard, A., Mühe, R. and Stoffers, P. (1990) Active submarine volcanism on the Society hotspot swell (west pacific): A geochemical study. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 96 (B4). pp. 5049-5066. DOI 10.1029/JB095iB04p05049.

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Lightfoot, P. C., Hawkesworth, C. J., Devey, C. W. , Rogers, N. W. and Van Calsteren, P. W. C. (1990) Source and differentiation of Deccan Trap Lavas: Implications of geochemical and mineral chemical variations. Journal of Petrology, 31 (5). pp. 1165-1200. DOI 10.1093/petrology/31.5.1165.

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Cheminee, J. L., Hékinian, R., Talandier, J., Albarède, F., Devey, C. W. , Francheteau, J. and Lancelot, Y. (1989) Geology of an active hot spot: Teahitia-Mehetia region in the South Central Pacific. Marine Geophysical Research, 11 (1). pp. 27-50. DOI 10.1007/BF00286246.

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Stoffers, P., Botz, R., Cheminee, J. L., Devey, C. W. , Froger, V., Glasby, G. P., Hartmann, M., Hékinian, R., Kögler, F., Laschek, D., Larqué, P., Michaelis, W., Mühe, R., Puteanus, D. and Richnow, H. H. (1989) Geology of Macdonald seamount region, Austral Islands: Recent hotspot volcanism in the South Pacific. Marine Geophysical Research, 11 (2). pp. 101-112. DOI 10.1007/BF00285661.

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Devey, C. W. and Lightfoot, P. C. (1986) Volcanological and tectonic control of stratigraphy and structure in the western Deccan Traps. Bulletin of Volcanology, 48 (4). pp. 195-207. DOI 10.1007/BF01087674.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Wölfl, A. C. , Damaske, D., Wiemer, G. and Devey, C. (2020) Die Herausforderung einer globalen Meeresbodenvermessung und das unterschätzte Potenzial der Datenakquise auf Transitstrecken. Open Access Hydrographische Nachrichten, 10 (117). ‏ 14-18.

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Wölfl, A. C. , Devey, C. and Jencks, J. (2018) A GIS case study from the Atlantic: Where do we map next?. Open Access Hydro International, 22 (5). pp. 18-21.

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Wölfl, A. C. and Devey, C. (2018) Seafloor mapping - completing a big puzzle. Open Access AtlantOS Newsletter, 1 (4). p. 8.

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Augustin, N. , Schmidt, M. , Devey, C. W. , Al-Aidaroos, A. M., Kürten, B., Eisenhauer, A. , Brückmann, W., Dengler, M. , van der Zwan, F. M. , Feldens, P., Kwasnitschka, T., Bantan, R. A., Basaham, A., Metz, D., Hagemann, J., Al-Dhouyan, I. O., Al-Farawati, R., Al-Haj, A., Al-Nomani, S., Al-Nuwairah, M., Al-Mehana, W., Al-Sofyani, A., Al-Yousef, S., Al-Barakati, A., Audritz, S., Bauersachs, T., Bruss, G., Elgarafi, A. E., El-Sherbini, M., Haredy, R., Hissmann, K., Jamal, M., Khomayis, H. S., Kotob, A., Laurila, T., Linke, P. , McGinnis, D., Orif, I. M., Pena-Garcia, D., Raddatz, J., Sas, A., Sawall, Y., Schauer, J., Sommer, S., Winder, M. and Walther, S. (2014) The Jeddah Transect Project: Extensive mapping of the Red Sea Rift. Open Access InterRidge News, 22 (November). pp. 68-73.

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Devey, C. (2010) Fieldwork on the seafloor: we are getting close. Open Access IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2009 . pp. 34-35.

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Devey, C. (2008) ROV Kiel6000: Hands and eyes at the bottom of the ocean. Open Access IFM-GEOMAR Annual Report, 2007 . pp. 39-40.

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Devey, C. W. , Lackschewitz, K. and Baker, E. (2005) Hydrothermal and volcanic activity found on the southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 86 (22). pp. 209-212.

Devey, C. W. and Klügel, A. (2001) Fenster in die Tiefe der Erde. Spektrum der Wissenschaft, Dossier: Die unruhige Erde . pp. 74-76.


Rona, P. A., Devey, C., Dyment, J. and Murton, B., eds. (2010) Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow Spreading Ocean Ridges. . Geophysical Monograph Series, 188 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington DC, 440 pp. ISBN 978-0-87390-478-8

Book chapters

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Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. and van der Zwan, F. M. (2019) A Modern View on the Red Sea Rift: Tectonics, Volcanism and Salt Blankets . In: Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea. , ed. by Rasul, N. M. A. and Stewart, I. C. F.. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 37-52. ISBN 978-3-319-99407-9 DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-99408-6_3.

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van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. and Augustin, N. (2019) Hydrothermal Prospection in the Red Sea Rift: Geochemical Messages from Basalts. In: Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea. , ed. by Rasul, N. M. A. and Stewart, I. C. F.. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 221-232. DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-99408-6_10.

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Devey, C. (2016) Hotspot-Ridge Interaction. In: Encyclopedia of Marine Geosciences. , ed. by Harff, J., Meschede, M., Petersen, S. and Thiede, J.. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 328-329. ISBN 978-94-007-6239-4 DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-6644-0_33-1.

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Devey, C. and Petersen, S. (2010) Exchange of material and energy druing the formation of new oceanic crust. In: The Research Vessel SONNE - Surveying the Oceans. , ed. by Kudrasss, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 48-51.

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Devey, C. and Petersen, S. (2010) Material- und Energieaustausch bei der Neubildung von Lithosphäre im Ozean. In: Mit der SONNE die Erde erforschen. , ed. by Kudrass, H.. RF Forschungsschiffahrt, Bremen, pp. 48-51.

Devey, C. W. (2010) Feuer aus den Tiefen der Erde - Vulkane: Zerstörer und Lebensspender. In: Expedition Erde - Wissenswertes und Spannendes aus den Geowissenschaften. , ed. by Wefer, G. and Schmieder, F.. MARUM, Universität Bremen, Bremen, pp. 94-99. 3., überarb. u. erw. Aufl. ISBN 978-3-00-030772-0

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Devey, C. W. , German, C. R., Haase, K. M., Lackschewitz, K., Melchert, B. and Connelly, D. P. (2010) The Relationships Between Volcanism, Tectonism, and Hydrothermal Activity on the Southern Equatorial Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In: Diversity of Hydrothermal Systems on Slow Spreading Ocean Ridges. , ed. by Rona, P. A. and Devey, C. W.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 188 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 133-152. ISBN 978-0-87390-478-8

Devey, C. W. (2006) Feuer aus den Tiefen der Erde - Vulkane: Zerstörer und Lebensspender. In: Expedition Erde. , ed. by Wefer, G.. MARUM, Bremen, pp. 72-77. 2. erw. und überarb

Devey, C. W. and Haase, K. M. (2004) The sources for hotspot volcanism in the South Pazific. In: Oceanic Hotspots. , ed. by Hekinian, R., Stoffers, P. and Cheminee, J. L.. Springer-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, pp. 253-280. 1 ISBN 3540408592

Devey, C. W. , Alt, J. C., Bach, W., Erzinger, J., Fischer, A. T., Gillis, K. M., Kinoshita, M., Nehling, P. and Staudigel, H. (2003) Group Report: What is the nature of subseafloor fluid circulation and reaction processes?. In: Energy and Mass Transfer in Marine Hydrothermal Systems. , ed. by Halbach, P., Tunnicliffe, V. and Hein, J. R.. Dahlem University Press, Berlin, Germany, pp. 71-83. 1 ISBN 3-934504-12-4

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Devey, C. W. and Stephens, W. E. (1992) Deccan-related magmatism west of India-Seychelles rift. In: Magmatism and the causes of continental breakup. ; 68 , ed. by Storey, B. C., Alabaster, T. and Pankhurst, R. J.. Geological Society Special Publication, 68 . Geological Society, London, UK, pp. 271-291. ISBN 0-903317-83-4 DOI 10.1144/GSL.SP.1992.068.01.17.

Conference papers

La Saout, M. , Devey, C. , Palgan, D., Lux, T. S., Petersen, S. , Porhallsson, D., Tomkowicz, A. and Brix, S. (2022) Seamount distribution along the Reykjanes ridge: Evidence of a complex underlying magmatic system. [Paper] In: Conference on Seafloor Forms, Processes and Evolution 2022. , 04.07.-06.072022, Valletta, Malta .

Kvassnes, A. J. S., Dick, H. J. B. and Devey, C. W. (2006) Primitive troctolites and gabbros from ultraslow ridges. [Paper] In: 3rd EGU General Assembly. . Geophysical Research Abstracts. .


Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Klaucke, I. , Beniest, A., Gomez de la Pena, L. , Ren, Y., Hilbert, H. S. , Li, Y. , Murray-Bergquist, L., Unger-Moreno, K., Devey, C. W. and Ruepke, L. (2024) The Oceanographer Transform Fault Revisited – Preliminary Results from a Mirco-Seismicity Survey Reveals Extensional Tectonics at Ridge-Transform Intersections. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2279.

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Grevemeyer, I. , Lange, D. , Klaucke, I. , Beniest, A., Gómez de La Peña, L. , Ren, Y., Hilbert, H. S. , Li, Y., Murray-Bergquist, L., Unger Moreno, K. A., Devey, C. W. and Ruepke, L. (2022) The Oceanographer transform fault revisited - preliminary results from a micro-seismicity survey reveals extensional tectonics at ridge-transform intersections. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2022. , 23.-27.05.2022, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2279.

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Wallace, D. W. R., Kienast, M., Laing, K., Townsend, B., Dullo, C. , Devey, C. , van den Bogaard, C. and Cabral, T. (2020) A transatlantic, multidisciplinary graduate school focussed on the North Atlantic Ocean: rationale, challenges, lessons-learned, achievements and benefits. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-12036.

Yeo, I., Devey, C. , Murton, B. J., Petersen, S. and Szitkar, F. (2019) Finding, mapping and evaluating seafloor mining prospects. [Talk] In: InterRidge Workshop on "Hydrothermal ore-forming processes and the fate of SMS deposits along slow and ultra-slow spreading MOR". , 19.-21.09.2019, Hangzhou, China .

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Brandl, P. A. , Beier, C., Devey, C. W. , Rüpke, L. , Hauff, F. and Haase, K. M. (2018) The geodynamics of plume-ridge interaction at fast spreading rates. Open Access [Talk] In: Physics of Volcanoes 2018. , 01.03.-02.03.2018, Kiel, Germany .

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Brandl, P. A. , Beier, C., Rüpke, L. H. , Haase, K. M., Devey, C. W. , Regelous, M. and Hauff, F. (2018) The Foundation-PAR plume-ridge interaction: constraints on competing forces and the structure of oceanic líthosphere. Open Access [Talk] In: GeoBonn 2018. , 02.09.-06.09.2018, Bonn, Germany .

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Brandl, P. , Beier, C., Haase, K., Rüpke, L. , Devey, C. and Hauff, F. (2017) Sub-Axial Asthenospheric Flow Revealed by a Plume-Spiked Mantle. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2017. , 13.-18.08.2017, Paris, France .

Hansteen, T. H. , Kwasnitschka, T., Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. and Devey, C. W. (2017) Explosive emplacement of pyroclastic rocks containig abraded gabbro xenoliths at 3600 m water depth at Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verde . [Talk] In: AGU Chapman Conference on Submarine Volcanism. , 29.01.-03.02.2017, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia .

Devey, C. W. , Boetius, A., Kwasnitschka, T., Augustin, N. , Yeo, I. A. and Greinert, J. (2016) Young Volcanism on 20 Million Year Old Seafloor: The DISCOL Area, Nazca Plate. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2016. , 12.-16.12.2016, San Francisco, USA .

Palgan, D., Devey, C. W. and Louden, K. (2015) Iceland – on shore reflection of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Can Iceland help us locate new hydrothermal fields? . [Talk] In: PhD Student Conference 2015, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. , 23–27.03.2015, Paris, France .

Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Jamieson, J., Devey, C. and German, C. (2015) The resource potential of slow- and ultraslow-spreading ridges. [Invited talk] In: 3. InterRidge Theoretical Institute. , 25.-27.09.2015, Hangzhou, China .

Petersen, S. , Jamieson, J., Augustin, N. , Devey, C. , Escartin, J., Rothenbeck, M., Steinführer, A. and Triebe, L. (2015) Examples of AUV-based exploration along the slow-spreading Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: ISA workshop on “Seafloor Massive Sulfides Exploration and Environment Assessment at Slow and Ultra-Slow Spreading Ridges". , 29.09.2015, Hangzhou, China .

van der Zwan, F. M. , Suh, C. E., Hansteen, T. H. , Gerami-Manesch, M., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Devey, C. W. , Embui, F. V., Tibang, E. E. B. and Taboko, A. (2015) Compositional diversity in Mt. Cameroon eruptions. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2015. , 16.-21.08.2015, Prague, Czech Republic. .

Petersen, S. , Devey, C. W. , Walter, M., Jamieson, J. W., Yeo, I., Nakamura, K., Rothenbeck, M., Steinführer, A. and Triebe, L. (2014) AUV-based long-range exploration for hydrothermal activity between 13°-33°S along the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: Joint International Conference MINERALS OF THE OCEAN-7 & DEEP-SEA MINERALS AND MINING-4. , 02.-05.06.2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia .

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van der Zwan, F. M. and Devey, C. W. (2014) The depth of hydrothermal circulation at slow-spreading ridges traced by chlorine in basalt. [Talk] In: IPGP PhD Student Meeting. , 24.-28.03.2014, Paris, France .

Petersen, S. , Devey, C. W. , Walter, M., Jamieson, J., Yeo, I., Nakamura, K., Rothenbeck, M., Steinführer, A. and Triebe, L. (2013) AUV-based long-range exploration for hydrothermal activity between 13°-33°S along the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: 42. Conference of the Underwater Mining Institute. , 21.-29.10.2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil .

Rothenbeck, M., Petersen, S. , Devey, C. and Lackschewitz, K. (2013) Seafloor exploration with the GEOMAR REMUS-6000 type AUV “Abyss”. [Talk] In: Kongsberg REMUS/HUGIN AUV User Conference. , 14.-17.10.2013, Lerici, Italy .

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van der Zwan, F. M. , Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Bantan, R. and Kwasnitschka, T. (2013) New insights into volcanism and tectonics in the Red Sea Rift. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2013. , 07.-12.04.2013, Vienna, Austria .

Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Bantan, R., van der Zwan, F. M., Feldens, P. and Kwasnitschka, T. (2012) Hatiba to Port Sudan Deep (Red Sea) Imaging a growing Ocean. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2012. , 24.-29.06.2012, Montreal, Canada .

Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Feldens, P., van der Zwan, F. M. , Bantan, R. A. and Kwasnitschka, T. (2012) The transition from rifting to spreading in the Red Sea: No sign of discrete spreading nodes?. [Talk] In: 2012 Jeddah Transect Project Meeting. , 26.11.2012, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia .

Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Feldens, P., van der Zwan, F. M. , Bantan, R. and Kwasnitschka, T. (2012) The transition from rifting to spreading in the Red Sea: No sign of discrete spreading nodes?. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2012. , 03.-07.12.2012, San Francisco, USA .

Speckbacher, R., Behrmann, J. H. , Stipp, M., Devey, C. W. and Nagel, T. (2012) Tectonic geomorphology and metasomatic fault weakening processes of the Moresby Seamount detachment, Woodlark Basin. [Talk] In: Geologisches Kolloquium der Universität Bonn. , 09.07.2012, Bonn .

Speckbacher, R., Behrmann, J. H. , Stipp, M., Nagel, T., Mahlke, J. and Devey, C. W. (2012) Metasomatic fault weakening at the Moresby Seamount detachment in the western Woodlark Basin (offshore Papua New Guinea). [Talk] In: 14. Symposium on Tectonics, Structural Geology and Geology of Crystalline Rocks (TSK 14). , 28.03.-30.03.2012, Kiel . 14. Symposium: Tcéctonics, Structural Geology and Geology of Crystalline Rocks = Tektonik, Strukturgeologie und Kristallingeologie : Kiel, 26.3.-1.4.2012 ; program, abstracts. ; p. 93 .

van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. , Augustin, N. , Basaham, A., Bantan, R., Fietzke, J. and Almeev, R. R. (2012) Hydrothermal circulation in the slow spreading Red Sea traced by chlorine. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2012. , 03.-07.12.2012, San Francisco, USA .

van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. , Augustin, N. , Basaham, A., Bantan, R., Fietzke, J. and Almeev, R. R. (2012) Hydrothermal circulation in the slow spreading Red Sea traced by chlorine. [Talk] In: 2012 Jeddah Transect Project Meeting. , 26.11.2012, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia .

van der Zwan, F. M. , Fietzke, J. , Devey, C. W. , Almeev, R. R. and Haase, K. M. (2012) Tracing seawater-rock interaction in slow spreading oceanic crust: precise chlorine measurements in MORB by microprobe. [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2012. , 24.-29.06.2012, Montreal, Canada .

Devey, C. , Mahlke, J., Petersen, S. , Laurila, T. E. and Hannington, M. D. (2011) Volcanism, hydrothermalism and tectonics of the Woodlark Basin. [Talk] In: GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting. , 27.05.2011, Ottawa, Canada .

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Devey, C. W. , Behrmann, J. H. , Brandl, P. A. , Hannington, M. D., Lackschewitz, K., Laurila, T. E., Klaucke, I. , Mahlke, J., Nagel, T., Petersen, S. , Riepenhausen, I., Rothenbeck, M., Speckbacher, R., Sticklus, J. , Theissen, S. and Westhues, A. (2011) Vulkanische Bauten entlang der Woodlark-Spreizungsachse, Papua Neuguinea. [Talk] In: Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne 2011. , 09.02.-10.02.2011, Hannover . Tagungsband / Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne : Statusseminar 2011. ; pp. 122-123 .

Kwasnitschka, T., Hansteen, T. H. , Kutterolf, S. , Freundt, A. and Devey, C. W. (2011) 3D-reconstruction of recent volcanic activity from ROV video, Charles Darwin Seamounts, Cape Verdes. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2011. , 05.12.-09.12.2011, San Francisco, California, USA .

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Mahlke, J., Devey, C. W. , Garbe-Schönberg, D. and Hoernle, K. (2011) Geochemie und magmatische Entwicklung der Übergangszone zwischen kontinentaler und ozeanischer Kruste am aktiven Spreizungszentrum des Woodlark-Beckens (SO203). [Talk] In: Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne 2011. , 09.02.-10.02.2011, Hannover . Tagungsband / Meeeresforschung mit FS Sonne : Statusseminar 2011. ; pp. 124-127 .

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Speckbacher, R., Behrmann, J. H. , Nagel, T., Stipp, M. and Devey, C. W. (2011) Strukturgeologische Untersuchung des Moresby Seamount Detachment, Woodlark-Becken (E Papua-Neuguinea) : Ergebnisse der SO-203 Expedition. [Talk] In: Statusseminar Meeresforschung mit FS Sonne 2011. , 09.-10.02.2011, Hannover .

Devey, C. W. , Petersen, S. , Hannington, M. D., Klaucke, I. , Lackschewitz, K., Mahlke, J., Rothenbeck, M. and Sticklus, J. (2010) Constructing mid-ocean ridge flat-topped volcanoes: First evidence from AUV mapping in the Woodlark Basin. [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2010. , 13.-17.12.2010, San Francisco, USA ; V12A-06 . EOS Transactions (91 (53), Fall Meeting Suppl.).

Mahlke, J., Devey, C. W. and Hoernle, K. (2010) Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Woodlark Basin. [Talk] In: Continental Dynamics Papua New Guinea Group Meeting. , 12.12.2010, San Francisco, USA .

Kanzow, T., Devey, C. W. and Lackschewitz, K. (2009) Vertical Near Sea Floor Ocean Mixing in the Central Valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Talk] In: SPP1144 workshop. , 22.09, Etelsen .

Abegg, F., Kuhn, T., Lackschewitz, K., Pieper, M., Hinz, C., Huusmann, H., Meier, A. and Devey, C. W. (2008) ROV Kiel 6000 on R.V. L'Atalante: experiences and results. [Talk] In: Tagung Inmartech 08. , 08.10.2008, Toulon, France .

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Devey, C. W. and Stroncik, N. (2008) Plume-ridge interaction: Dying from the feet up. Open Access [Talk] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2008. , 13.-18.07.2008, Vancouver, Canada .

Lackschewitz, K., Abegg, F., Sticklus, J. , Rothenbeck, M. and Devey, C. W. (2008) AUV ABYSS. [Talk] In: Tagung Inmartech 08. , 07.10, Toulon, France .

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Augustin, N. , Lackschewitz, K., Devey, C. W. , Eisenhauer, A. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and James, R. H. (2006) The history of water-rock interaction at Logatchev hydrothermal field as stored in the secondary mineral paragenesis. [Other] In: EGU General Assembly. , 06.04, Vienna, Austria .

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Devey, C. (2006) InterRidge Statement of Commitment to Responsible Research Practices at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents. [Invited talk] In: 36. Underwater Mining Institute. , 24.09.- 30.09.2006, Kiel .

Devey, C. W. (2006) Writing the Code of Conduct: The Future of Ridge Research. [Invited talk] In: European Science Open Forum. , 18.06, München .

Devey, C. W. (2006) Writing the Code of Conduct: The Future of Ridge Research. [Invited talk] In: American Association for the Advancement of Science. , 16.02, St. Louis, Missouri, USA .

Kvassnes, A. J. S., Devey, C. W. and Dick, H. J. B. (2006) The composition of the middle and and lower crustat ultraslow ridges. [Other] In: "Polar Ridges" Meeting and Workshop. , 21.09, Sestri Levante, Italy .

Augustin, N. , Lackschewitz, K., Devey, C. W. and Eisenhauer, A. (2005) Hydrothermal alteration in the high-temperature Logatchev vent field: implications for seawater-ultramafic rock interaction. [Other] In: 83. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft (DMG). , 18.09.-21.09, Aachen .

Devey, C. W. (2005) Wie der Erdkern Mikroben ernährt. [Public Lecture] In: Night of the Profs. , 19.11, Kiel .

Kuhn, T., Petersen, S. , Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N. , Franz, L., Bruegmann, G. and Devey, C. W. (2005) Hydrothermal processes in the active Logatchev-1 hydrothermal field: new insights from mineralogy and geochemistry of massive sulfides and alteration products. [Other] In: Russian Ridge Workshop. , 06.-07.06, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Lackschewitz, K. and Devey, C. W. (2005) Using authigenic clay mineralogy and geochemistry to assess physio-chemical conditions in hydrothermal systems. [Other] In: Russian Ridge Workshop. , 06.06.-07.06, St. Petersburg, Russia .

Lackschewitz, K., Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Eisenhauer, A. , Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and James, R. (2005) Hydrothermal alteration in the Logatchev hydrothermal field: implications from secondary mineral assemblages and mineral chemistry. [Other] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 05.12.-09.12, San Francisco, California, USA .

Conference posters

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Le Saout, M. , Devey, C. W. , Palgan, D., Lux, T. S., Petersen, S. , Tomkowicz, A. and Brix, S. (2020) Variation of the tectono-magmatic activity along the Reykjanes Ridge: Influence of the Iceland hotspot on the accretionary processes. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria .

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Palgan, D., Tylmann, K., Devey, C. , Ooinsson, D. and Le Saout, M. (2020) The extent of the ice sheet in the area of the Reykjanes Ridge at maximum of the last glaciation: new insights. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria - Online . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-8539.

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Schmid, F. , Kopp, H. , Schnabel, M., Dannowski, A. , Heyde, I., Riedel, M. , Engels, M., Beniest, A., Klaucke, I. , Augustin, N. , Brandl, P. , Devey, C. and Hannington, M. D. (2020) Crustal structure and evolution of the Niuafo'ou Microplate in the northeastern Lau Basin, Southwestern Pacific. Open Access [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-1404.

Devey, C. , Petersen, S. , Yeo, I., German, C., Jamieson, J. and Walter, M. (2019) Volcanology of slow-spreading ridges allows prediction of hydrothermal sites from bathymetric mapping. [Poster] In: 27. IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.07.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Schmid, F. , Peters, M., Walter, M., Devey, C. and Sültenfuß, J. and MSM25 Scientific Party (2018) Hydrothermal plumes and δ3He anomalies above the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge (13°-33°S) indicating previously unknown active vent sites. [Poster] In: GeoBonn 2018. , 02.09.-06.09.2018, Bonn, Germany .

Taylor, J., Linse, K., Tandberg, A. H., Kwasnitschka, T., Frutos, I., Devey, C. W. , Petersen, S. and Brix, S. (2018) MSM75: An overview – using a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate hydrothermal vents and surrounding areas of the Reykjanes Ridge, Iceland. [Poster] In: Beyond Challenger Meeting. , 12.11.-13.11.2018, London, United Kingdom .

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van den Bogaard, C., Dullo, C. , Devey, C. , Kienast, M. and Wallace, D. W. R. (2016) Adjuncts for the Ocean - Graduate Training in the Transatlantic Helmholtz Research School for Ocean System Science and Technology (HOSST/TOSST). [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .

Klischies, M., Petersen, S. , Augustin, N. and Devey, C. (2015) Structural, magmatic and tectonic controls of hydrothermal venting at the Menez Gwen segment, at 37°50’ N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. [Poster] In: GeoBerlin 2015. , 04.-07.10.2015, Berlin, Germany .

Palgan, D., Devey, C. W. and Yeo, I. A. (2015) Hydrothermal activity in Tertiary Icelandic crust: Implications for cooling processes along slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2015. , 14.-18.12.2015, San Francisco, USA .

Palgan, D., Jamieson, J. W., Breusing, C. and Devey, C. W. (2015) Role of Hydrothermal systems in Development of the Oceans. Where to find them on the seafloor?. [Poster] In: Sustainable Ocean Development Symposium. , 28.-30.09.2015, New York City, USA .

Kopp, H. , Lange, D. , Krabbenhoeft, A., Flueh, E., Petersen, F. , Behrmann, J. and Devey, C. (2014) GeoSEA: Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the Seafloor. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2014. , 27.04.-02.05.2014, Vienna, Austria .

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van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. , Augustin, N. , Basaham, A., Bantan, R. A., Fietzke, J. and Almeev, R. R. (2014) Assimilation of hydrothermally altered crust at slow spreading ridges. [Poster] In: Goldschmidt Conference 2013. , 25.-30.08.2013, Florence, Italy .

Davis, R., Elkins, L. J., Augustin, N. , Yeo, I. A., Meisenhelder, K., Rivers, E., van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. and Sims, K. W. W. (2013) Explaining anomalously high magma flux at volcanic centers on the Northern Kolbeinsey and Southern Mohns Ridges using Bathymetry and basalt geochemistry. [Poster] In: GSA Northeastern Section - 48. Annual Meeting. , 18.-20.03.2013, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA .

Devey, C. W. , Jamieson, J., Petersen, S. , Yeo, I. A., Walter, M., Buss, A., Collins, J., Köhler, J., Palgan, D. and Vishiti, A. (2013) Predicting the location of extinct massive sulfide deposits on the Atlantic Seafloor. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2013. , 09.-13.12.2013, San Francisco, USA .

Hasenclever, J., Theissen-Krah, S., Rüpke, L. , Morgan, J., Iyer, K. , Petersen, S. and Devey, C. (2013) Hybrid on axis plus ridge-perpendicular circulation reconciles hydrothermal flow observations at fast spreading ridges. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2013. , 09.-13.12.2013, San Francisco, USA .

Kwasnitschka, T., Hansteen, T. , Devey, C. , Freundt, A. and Kutterolf, S. (2013) Explosive Volcanic Activity at Extreme Depths: Evidence from the Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verdes. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2013. , 09.-13.12.2013, San Francisco, USA .

Meisenhelder, K., Elkins, L. J., Augustin, N. , Yeo, I. A., Rivers, E., van der Zwan, F. M. , Devey, C. W. and Sims, K. W. W. (2013) Constraining crust formation at Slow-Spreading Ridges using the Composition and Morphology of Mt. Eggvin. [Poster] In: GSA Northeastern Section - 48. Annual Meeting. , 18.-20.03.2013, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA .

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Haase, K., Brandl, P. A. , Melchert, B., Hauff, F. , Garbe-Schönberg, D., Paulick, H., Kokfelt, T. and Devey, C. W. (2012) Compositional variation of lavas from a young volcanic field on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 8°50`S. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2012. , 03.-07.12.2012, San Francisco, USA .

Vishiti, A., Petersen, S. , Suh, C. E. and Devey, C. W. (2012) Arsenian pyrite-bearing altered volcanics dredged SE of Cheshire Seamount Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2012. , 22.-27.04.2012, Vienna, Austria .

Yeo, I., Augustin, N. , Devey, C. W. , Deutschmann, M., Elkins, L. J., Laurila, T. E., Meisenhelder, K., Rivers, E., Rothenbeck, M. and van der Zwan, F. M. (2012) The Northern Kolbeinsey Ridge, North Atlantic: Excess volcanism and ridge relocations close to Jan Mayen. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2012. , 03.-07.12.2011, San Francisco, USA .

Laurila, T. E., Hannington, M. D., Petersen, S. and Devey, C. (2011) Volcanism, hydrothermalism and tectonics of the Woodlark Basin. [Poster] In: GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting. , 27.05.2011, Ottawa, Canada .

Mahlke, J., Devey, C. W. , Hauff, F. , Hoernle, K. , Portnyagin, M. , Speckbacher, R. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2011) Mantle heterogeneities along the propagating spreading center of the Woodlark Basin. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2011. , 05.-09.12.2011, San Francisco, USA .

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Mahlke, J., Devey, C. W. , Hoernle, K. and Garbe-Schönberg, D. (2011) Geochemistry of volcanic rocks from the Woodlark Basin. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2011. , 03.04.-08.04.2011, Vienna, Austria ; p. 12864 . Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13 (EGU2011-12864).

Speckbacher, R., Behrmann, J. H. , Nagel, T., Stipp, M., Mahlke, J. and Devey, C. W. (2011) Metasomatic fault weakening processes in the Moresby Seamount detachment, Woodlark Basin (offshore Papua New Guinea). [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2011. , 05.-09.12.2011, San Francisco, USA .

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Behrmann, J. H. , Speckbacher, R., Nagel, T., Klaucke, I. and Devey, C. W. (2010) The active Moresby Seamount Detachment Fault,Woodlark Basin: insights into structure and mechanics from high-resolution submarine mapping and sampling. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .

Mahlke, J., Garbe-Schönberg, C. D. and Devey, C. W. (2010) Bulk trace element composition of submarine volcanic glasses from the Woodlark Basin by LA-ICPMS: competetive with conventional solution ICPMS?. [Poster] In: 10th European Workshop on Laser Ablation. , 29.06.-01.07.2010, Kiel .

Kokfelt, T. F., Hauff, F. , Haase, K. and Devey, C. W. (2007) U-series disequilibria in MORB glasses from between 6 and 11°S Mid Atlantic Ridge: desciphering mantle and crustle signatures. [Poster] In: SPP 1144-Workshop "From Mantle to Ocean: Energy-, Material- and Life-cycles at Spreading Axes". , 16.-28.06, Etelsen .

Kokfelt, T., Hauff, F. , Haase, K. and Devey, C. W. (2006) Detailed U-series study in MORB glasses from ~8°48S, ~9°33S MAR and adjacent seamounts: spatial and temporal constraints on melt mixing processes and implications for scales of source variation. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 11.12.-15.12., San Francisco, California, USA .

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Lackschewitz, K. S. and Devey, C. W. (2006) Characteristics of hydrothermally altered wall rocks from modern hydrothermal fields. [Poster] In: 36th Underwater Mining Institute. , 24.09.- 30.09.2006, Kiel . Scientific. legal, and economic perspectives of marine mining : 36th Underwater Mining Institute, abstracts ; UMI 2006 ; Kiel, Germany, September 24-30, 2006. ; Lackschewitz1-Lackschewitz2 .

Melchert, B., Devey, C. W. , German, C., Haase, K., Koschinsky, A., Lackschewitz, K. and Yoerger, D. R. (2006) Volcanic and tectonic setting of hydrothermal activity on the Southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 4° - 11°S. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2006. , 11.-15.12, San Francisco, USA .

Melchert, B., Devey, C. W. , German, C., Lackschewitz, K., Seiters, C., Yoerger, D., Petersen, S. and Scientific party of M68/1 (2006) ABE EM2000 bathymetry and ROV observations during M68/1. [Poster] In: 3rd Workshop of the SPP1144. , 04.-06.07, Etelsen/Bremen .

Conference pico

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Palgan, D. and Devey, C. (2015) Dike controlled low-temperature hydrothermal activity in far off-axis regions of NW Iceland. [PICO] In: EGU General Assembly 2015. , 12.–17.04.2015 , Vienna, Austria .

Reports - Cruise Reports

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Devey, C. , Brix, S., Barua, A. (., Bodendorfer, M., Cuno, P., Frutos, I., Huusmann, H., Kurbjuhn, T., Le Saout, M. , Linse, K., Matthiessen, T., Palgan, D., Petersen, S. , Pieper, M., Rothenbeck, M., Steinführer, A., Tandberg, A. H., Taylor, J., Thorhallsson, D., Tomkowicz, A., von Bosse, T. and Wenzlaff, E. (2022) Detailed Mapping and Sampling of the Reykjanes Ridge, Cruise No. MSM75, 29 June 2018 - 8 August 2018, Reykjavik - Reykjavik, REYKJANES. Open Access . Maria S. Merian-Berichte, MSM75 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, 89 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_msm75.

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Grevemeyer, I. , Devey, C. , Klaucke, I. and Lange, D. (2021) Geological and geophysical characterization of transform offsets, TRANSFORMERS, Cruise No. M170, 11.01.2021 - 14.02.2021, Emden (Germany) - Emden (Germany). Open Access . METEOR-Berichte, M170 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, 32 pp. DOI 10.48433/cr_m170.

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Devey, C. W. , Wölfl, A. C. , Augustin, N. , Besaw, M., Damaske, D., Evora, D., Gray, A., Hübscher, C., Le Saout, M. , Lux, T., Schade, M., Sobolewski, L. and Villinger, H. (2020) Bathymetric Mapping Of The Seafloor - A German Contribution To Completing The Map By 2030, Cruise No. MSM88/1 + MSM88/2, November 28, 2019 - January 14, 2020, Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Mindelo (Cabo Verde) - Bridgetown (Barbados). Open Access . MARIA S. MERIAN-Berichte, MSM88/1 + MSM88/2 . Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, 24 pp. DOI 10.2312/cr_msm88.

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Devey, C. W. (2014) SoMARTherm: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge 13-33°S - Cruise No. MSM25, January 24 - March 5, 2013 - Cape Town (South Africa) - Mindelo (Cape Verde). Open Access . Maria S. Merian-Berichte, MSM25 . DFG-Senatskommission für Ozeanographie, Bremen, 92 pp. DOI 10.2312/cr_msm25.

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Schmidt, M., Devey, C. and Eisenhauer, A., eds. (2011) FS Poseidon Fahrtbericht / Cruise Report P408 [POS408] - The Jeddah Transect ; Jeddah - Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 13.01.-02.03.2011. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 46 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 22, 33, 14 S. pp. DOI 10.3289/IFM-GEOMAR_Rep_46_2011.

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Devey, C. W., Petersen, S. and Lackschewitz, K., eds. (2008) RV Poseidon Cruise Report POS376 ABYSS Test. Las Palmas - Las Palmas, 10.11.2008 - 03.12.2008. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR Report, 24 . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 36 pp. DOI 10.3289/ifm-geomar_rep_24_2008.

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Devey, C. W. (2005) RV Poseidon Cruise No. 326 [Cruise report POS326]. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, 27 pp.

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Devey, C. W. (2002) Cruise Report R.V. Poseidon Cruise Nr. 291 [POS291]. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 43 pp.

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Devey, C. W. , Bond, Z., Dunk, R., Gharib, J., Junge, G., Lackschewitz, K., Lear, C., Mottl, M., Pracht, J., Rudnicki, M., Scholz, C., Schramm, B., Severmann, S. and Wheat, G. (2000) Report and preliminary results of SONNE Cruise SO 145/2 [SO145/2], Talcahuano (Chile) - Arica (Chile), February 4 - February 29, 2000. Open Access . Berichte aus dem Fachbereich Geowissenschaften der Universität Bremen, 164 . UNSPECIFIED, Bremen, Germany, 63 pp.

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Stoffers, P., Botz, R., Garbe-Schönberg, D., Hannington, M. D., Hauzel, B., Herzig, P., Hissmann, K., Huber, R., Kristjansson, J. K., Petursdottir, S. K., Schauer, J., Schmitt, M., Zimmerer, M., Devey, C. , Krienitz, M., Lichowski, F., Möller, H. and Pracht, J. (1997) Cruise Report Poseidon 229a/b Kolbeinsey Ridge, Akureyri - Reykjavik, 22.05.1997 - 11.06.1997. Open Access . Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut und Museum, Christian-Albrechts-Universität , Kiel, Deutschland, 42, 8 pp. DOI 10.3289/CR_POS229.

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Devey, C. W. (1996) RV POSEIDON Cruise Report POS221. Open Access . Geologisch-Paläontologisches Institut, Kiel, 6 pp.

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Devey, C. (1995) Cruise Report R.V. POSEIDON Cruise No.: POS210/1, 29.7.95 - 11.8.95. Open Access . Institute of Marine Research, Kiel, Germany, 10 pp.

Reports - Weekly reports

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Devey, C. (2019) 3. Wochenbericht MSM88/1 "German Mapping". Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

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Devey, C. (2019) 2. Wochenbericht MSM88/1 "German Mapping". Open Access . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 2 pp.

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Devey, C. (2019) 1. Wochenbericht MSM88/1 "German Mapping". Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM75-6WB_de.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM75-6WB_en.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2018) 6. Wochenbericht MSM75. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM75-2WB_en.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM75-2WB_de.pdf]

Devey, C. (2018) 2. Wochenbericht MSM75. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM75-WB3.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM75-WB3_en.pdf]

Devey, C. (2018) 3. Wochenbericht MSM75. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM75_Woche#5.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM75_Week#5.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2018) 5. Wochenbericht MSM75. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM75_Woche#1.pdf] [thumbnail of MSM75_Week#1.pdf]

Devey, C. (2018) 1. Wochenbericht MSM75. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 1 pp.

[thumbnail of so237-wob4.pdf]

Devey, C. (2015) 4. Wochenbericht SO237. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so237-wob5.pdf]

Devey, C. (2015) 5. Wochenbericht SO237. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so237-wob6.pdf]

Devey, C. (2015) 6. Wochenbericht SO237. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so237-wob3.pdf]

Devey, C. (2015) 3. Wochenbericht SO237. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of so237-wob1(1).pdf]

Devey, C. (2014) 1. Wochenbericht SO237. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of so237-wob2.pdf]

Devey, C. (2014) 2. Wochenbericht SO237. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of 25-Wochenbericht1 de.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2013) 1. Wochenbericht MSM25. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of 25-Wochenbericht2 de.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2013) 2. Wochenbericht MSM25. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of 25-Wochenbericht3 de.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2013) 3. Wochenbericht MSM25. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of MSM25-Wochenbericht4.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2013) 4. Wochenbericht MSM25. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of woodlark-so203-2.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) 2. Wochenbericht SO203. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of woodlark-so-203-3.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) 3. Wochenbericht SO203. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of woodlark-so-203-4.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) 4. Wochenbericht SO203. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of Wochenbericht SO-203 #5.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) 5. Wochenbericht SO203. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of Woodlark_3-Bordbericht_Brandl-1.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) SO203: Bordtagebuch (03.-06.11.09). Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of Woodlark_4-Bordbericht_Theissen.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) SO203: Bordtagebuch (07.-09.11.09). Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 3 pp.

[thumbnail of Woodlark_5-Bordbericht_Mahlke.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) SO203: Bordtagebuch (09.-15.11.09). Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 4 pp.

[thumbnail of Woodlark_6_Bordbericht_Nagel.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2009) SO203: Bordtagebuch (15.-18.11.09). Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 4 pp.

[thumbnail of Achtung: Im Text falsches Reisedatum]

Devey, C. W. (2009) SO203: Bordtagebuch (27.-30.10.09). Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of Atalante_C2_WR01.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2008) 1. Wochenbericht L'ATALANTE ATA_IFMGEOMAR/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

[thumbnail of Atalante_C2_WR02.pdf]

Devey, C. W. (2008) 2. Wochenbericht L'ATALANTE ATA_IFMGEOMAR/2. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, 2 pp.

Reports - other reports

[thumbnail of D1.7_Refined IAOOS requirements Report_AtlantOS_final.pdf]

Ott, M., Fischer, A., Buch, E., Charria, G., Lherminier, P., Claustre, H., Le Traon, P. Y., Tanhua, T. , Edwards, M., Wölfl, A. C. , Devey, C. W. , Pouliquen, S., Schauer, U., Karstensen, J. , Araujo, M., Poli, P. and Afonso, P. (2019) Refined AtlantOS Requirements Report. Open Access . AtlantOS Deliverable, D1.7 . AtlantOS, 53 pp. DOI 10.3289/atlantos_d1.7.

[thumbnail of D2.10_Bathymetric Vizualization_final.pdf]

Devey, C. W. and Wölfl, A. C. (2018) Bathymetric Vizualization. Open Access . AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.10 . AtlantOS, 4 pp. DOI 10.3289/atlantos_d2.10.

[thumbnail of 6.2-Roadmap-for-emerging-networks.pdf] [thumbnail of AtlantOS_D6.2_reworked.pdf]

Connelly, D., Afonso, P., Whoriskey, F., Morris, A., Mowlem, M., Sousa Pinto, I., Davies, N., Wölfl, A. C. , Handegard, N. O., Devey, C. W. , Janssen, F., Buttigieg, P. L. and Peplies, J. (2018) Roadmap for emerging networks. Open Access . AtlantOS Deliverable, D6.2 . AtlantOS, 9 pp. DOI 10.3289/AtlantOS_D6.2.

[thumbnail of AtlantOS_D2.3.pdf]

Devey, C. W. and Wölfl, A. C. (2018) Bathymetric Integration. Open Access . AtlantOS Deliverable, D2.3 . AtlantOS, 4 pp. DOI 10.3289/AtlantOS_D2.3.

[thumbnail of SO193_AB.pdf]

Hoernle, K. , Hauff, F. , Devey, C. W. , van den Bogaard, P., Werner, R., Lüter, C., Neuhaus, B., Schwarz-Schampera, U. and Kuroda, J. (2009) SO 193 [SO193] MANIHIKI : zeitliche, räumliche und tektonische Entwicklung ozeanischer Plateaus ; Abschlußbericht - 03G0193A ; Berichtszeitraum: 01. März 2007 bis 30. Juni 2009. Open Access . IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 148 pp. DOI 10.2314/GBV:62499516X.


Devey, C. (2024) Helmholtz Programm-Board / Sprecher FB Erde & Umwelt. 2024 - 2025 [Committee]

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