All Publications in OceanRep
Number of items: 33.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Brandt, P.
, Körner, M., Moum, J. N., Roch, M., Subramaniam, A., Czeschel, R.
, Krahmann, G.
, Dengler, M.
and Kiko, R.
Seasonal productivity of the equatorial Atlantic shaped by distinct wind-driven processes.
Nature Geoscience, 18
pp. 84-90.
DOI 10.1038/s41561-024-01609-9.

L'Hegaret, P., Schütte, F., Speich, S., Reverdin, G., Baranowski, D. B., Czeschel, R.
, Fischer, T.
, Foltz, G. R., Heywood, K. J., Krahmann, G.
, Laxenaire, R., Le Bihan, C., Le Bot, P., Leizour, S., Rollo, C., Schlundt, M.
, Siddle, E., Subirade, C., Zhang, D. and Karstensen, J.
Ocean cross-validated observations from R/Vs L'Atalante, Maria S. Merian, and Meteor and related platforms as part of the EUREC4A-OA/ATOMIC campaign.
Earth System Science Data, 15
pp. 1801-1830.
DOI 10.5194/essd-15-1801-2023.

Brandt, P.
, Hahn, J.
, Schmidtko, S.
, Tuchen, F. P.
, Kopte, R.
, Kiko, R.
, Bourlès, B., Czeschel, R.
and Dengler, M.
Atlantic Equatorial Undercurrent intensification counteracts warming-induced deoxygenation.
Nature Geoscience, 14
pp. 278-282.
DOI 10.1038/s41561-021-00716-1.

Schmidt, H., Czeschel, R. and Visbeck, M.
Seasonal variability of the Arabian Sea intermediate circulation and its impact on seasonal changes of the upper oxygen minimum zone.
Ocean Science, 16
pp. 1459-1474.
DOI 10.5194/os-2020-9.

Czeschel, R., Schütte, F., Weller, R. A. and Stramma, L.
Transport, properties, and life cycles of mesoscale eddies in the eastern tropical South Pacific.
Ocean Science, 14
pp. 731-750.
DOI 10.5194/os-14-731-2018.

Löscher, C., Bourbonnais, A., Dekaezemacker, J., Charoenpong, C. N., Altabet, M. A., Bange, H. W.
, Czeschel, R.
, Hoffmann, C. and Schmitz, R.
N2 fixation in eddies of the eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean.
Biogeosciences (BG), 13
pp. 2889-2899.
DOI 10.5194/bg-13-2889-2016.

Stramma, L.
, Czeschel, R., Tanhua, T.
, Brandt, P.
, Visbeck, M.
and Giese, B. S.
The flow field of the upper hypoxic Eastern Tropical North Atlantic oxygen minimum zone.
Ocean Science, 12
pp. 153-167.
DOI 10.5194/os-12-153-2016.

Czeschel, R., Stramma, L.
, Weller, R. A. and Fischer, T.
Circulation, eddies, oxygen and nutrient changes in the eastern tropical South Pacific Ocean.
Ocean Science, 11
pp. 455-470.
DOI 10.5194/os-11-455-2015.

Stramma, L.
, Weller, R. A., Czeschel, R.
and Bigorre, S.
Eddies and an extreme water mass anomaly observed in the eastern south Pacific at the Stratus mooring.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 1068-1083.
DOI 10.1002/2013JC009470.

Stramma, L.
, Bange, H. W.
, Czeschel, R., Lorenzo, A. and Frank, M.
On the role of mesoscale eddies for the biological productivity and biogeochemistry in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean off Peru.
Biogeosciences (BG), 10
pp. 7293-7306.
DOI 10.5194/bg-10-7293-2013.

Czeschel, R., Stramma, L.
and Johnson, G. C.
Oxygen decreases and variability in the eastern equatorial Pacific.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117
DOI 10.1029/2012JC008043.

Czeschel, R., Stramma, L.
, Schwarzkopf, F. U.
, Giese, B. S., Funk, A. and Karstensen, J.
Middepth circulation of the eastern tropical South Pacific and its link to the oxygen minimum zone.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116
DOI 10.1029/2010JC006565.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review
Schmidt, H., Czeschel, R. and Visbeck, M.
Ventilation dynamics of the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the Arabian Sea.
Biogeosciences Discussions
DOI 10.5194/bg-2019-168.


Stramma, L.
, Czeschel, R. and Schmidtko, S.
Global oxygen changes and oxygen variability in the eastern Pacific off Peru.
[Invited talk]
In: 46. International Liege Colloquium. , 06.05.2014, Lüttich, Belgium .

Stramma, L.
, Czeschel, R., Schwarzkopf, F. U.
, Fischer, T.
and Weller, R. A.
Circulation, eddies and trends in the oxygen minimum zone off Peru.
In: IMBER Open Science Conference FUTURE OCEAN. , 23.-27.06.2014, Bergen, Norway .

Karstensen, J.
, Czeschel, R., Hahn, J.
, Schlundt, M. and Krahmann, G.
In-situ calibration of Oxygen Optodes in the Southeast Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone.
In: EGO 2011 - 5th EGO Meeting and Glider School. , 14.-18.03.2011, Las Palmas, Gran Canary .

Conference posters

Czeschel, R., Weller, R., Stramma, L.
and Bigorre, S.
Eastern Pacific oxygen time series from the Stratus mooring and from floats.
In: 46. International Liege Colloquium. , 06.05.2014, Lüttich, Belgium .

Reports - Cruise Reports
Brandt, P.
, Bam, W., Czeschel, R.
, Damke, P., Deulofeu Capo, O., Dölger, E., Fernandez Carrera, A., Gasser, B., Gomez Letona, M., Hans, A. C., Imbol Koungue, R. A.
, Jordan, T., Körner, M., Krahmann, G.
, Müller, M., Navarro, W., Olbricht, H. D., Prigent, A.
, Roch, M., Rupf, F., Sarmiento-Lezcano, A. N., Schmidt, I., Steckhan, L., Stelzner, M., Subramaniam, A., Theileis, A. and Witt, R.
Trans-Atlantic Equatorial cruise II, Cruise No. M181, April 17 - May 28, 2022, Cape Town (South Africa) - Mindelo (Cape Verde).
Meteor-Berichte, M181
Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bonn, Germany, 52 pp.
DOI 10.48433/cr_m181.

Czeschel, R.
, Angerer, J., Born, K. S., Fiedler, S. B., Gebhardt, H., Glüsen, L. A., Günther, S., Kampmann, A., Knaack, C., Könnecke, F., Körner, M., Roch, M., Schampera, M., Waitzmann, D., Werner, J. and Witt, R.
Student cruise: Observing techniques for Physical Oceanographers - Cruise No. AL578, August 15 – 18, 2022, Kiel (Germany) – Kiel (Germany), MNF-PherPraO.
Alkor-Berichte, AL578
GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, 19 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CR_AL578.

Brandt, P.
, Begler, C., Coelho, P., Czeschel, R., Dennert, P., Fernandez Carrera, A., Filella, A., Gindorf, S., Gomez-Letona, M., Hans, A. C., Heukamp, F., Kiko, R.
, Kisjeloff, B., Imbol Koungue, R. A., Kriest, I.
, Martens, W., Prigent, A.
, Ramcharitar, B., Sarmiento Lezcano, A. N., Schmidtko, S.
, Schrandt, J. C., Sherman, J., Stelzner, M., Stöven, T.
, Subramaniam, A. and Tuchen, F. P.
Trans-Atlantic Equatorial cruise I, Cruise No. M158, September 19 - October 26, 2019, Walvis Bay (Namibia) - Recife (Brazil).
METEOR-Berichte, M158
Gutachterpanel Forschungsschiffe, Bremen, Germany, 48 pp.
DOI 10.2312/cr_m158.