31.10.2016: FB1-Seminar

Prof. Dr. Ilker Fer, Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Bergen (Norway): "Observations of Mixing of the Faroe Bank Channel Overflow"

11:00 h, Hörsaal, Düsternbrooker Weg 20



About one third of the cold dense waters produced in the northern high latitudes overflows a 840 m deep sill in the Faroe Bank Channel. The overflow region is characterized by high temporal variability on 1-10 day scales, energetic oscillations, and intense turbulence and mixing. An observational study was conducted to study the mixing processes in the overflow region in 2012-2013. The data set includes finescale and microstructure profiling measurements from ship, microstructure measurements from a deep Slocum glider, and one year long mooring data from two arrays. The dynamics and variability of the overflow plume and its mixing will be presented and discussed. The underwater glider will be emphasized as a noise-free platform suitable for ocean microstructure measurements.




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