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14.11.2016: FB1-Seminar
11:00 h, Hörsaal, Düsternbrooker Weg 20
The North Atlantic Oscillation is well known as a description of jet stream variability over the Atlantic, with clear impacts on regional climate around much of the northern hemisphere. The jet varies in both its position and its speed. In general, these two characteristics vary independently and can have different drivers, and yet the NAO measures a combination of these. This talk analyses some simple metrics of the jet latitude and speed to gain further insight into Atlantic sector variability. The jet position is shown to exhibit complex regime behaviour, shifting between preferred locations with timescales of order 10 days. In contrast, the multidecadal variability is largely associated with slow variations in the speed of the jet, accompanied by distinct dynamics and impacts. This contrast has implications for both decadal prediction and the reconstruction of past climates.
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