Dr. Franziska Schwarzkopf

Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik

Raumnr.: 3.306, Gebäude 5 (ENB)
Telefon: 0431 600 4009
E-Mail: fschwarzkopf(at)geomar.de

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung
Wischhofstr. 1 - 3
24148 Kiel


Jump to: 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2009 | 2008
Number of items: 36.


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Schulzki, T. G. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Biastoch, A. (Submitted) An Atlantic wide assessment of marine heatwaves beyond the surface in an eddy-rich ocean model. Open Access EGUsphere . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-2025-571.

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Mohn, C., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , García, P. J., Orejas, C., Huvenne, V. A. I., Schumacher, M., Pérez‐Rodríguez, I., Sarralde Vizuete, R., López‐Abellán, L. J., Dale, A. C., Devey, C. , Hansen, J. L. S., Møller, E. F. and Biastoch, A. (2025) Dynamics of Near‐Bottom Currents in Cold‐Water Coral and Sponge Areas at Valdivia Bank and Ewing Seamount, Southeast Atlantic. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 130 (1). e2024JC021667. DOI 10.1029/2024JC021667.


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Aroucha, L. C., Lübbecke, J. F. , Brandt, P. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Biastoch, A. (Submitted) River discharge impacts coastal Southeastern Tropical Atlantic sea surface temperature and circulation: a model-based analysis. Open Access EGUsphere . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-2024-3320.

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Fraser, N. J., Fox, A. D., Cunningham, S. A., Rath, W. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Biastoch, A. (2024) Vertical Velocity Dynamics in the North Atlantic and Implications for AMOC. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 54 (9). pp. 2011-2024. DOI 10.1175/JPO-D-23-0229.1.

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Schulzki, T. G. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Biastoch, A. (2024) Atlantic meridional overturning response to increased Southern Ocean wind stress in a climate model with an eddy-rich ocean. Journal of Climate . DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0727.1.

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Vinha, B., Murillo, F. J., Schumacher, M., Hansteen, T. H. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Biastoch, A. , Kenchington, E., Piraino, S., Orejas, C. and Huvenne, V. A. I. (2024) Ensemble modelling to predict the distribution of vulnerable marine ecosystems indicator taxa on data‐limited seamounts of Cabo Verde (NW Africa). Open Access Diversity and Distributions, 30 (8). e13896. DOI 10.1111/ddi.13896.

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Schiller-Weiss, I., Martin, T. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2024) Emerging Influence of Enhanced Greenland Melting on Boundary Currents and Deep Convection Regimes in the Labrador and Irminger Seas. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (9). e2024GL109022. DOI 10.1029/2024GL109022.

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Burmeister, K. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Rath, W. , Biastoch, A. , Brandt, P. , Lübbecke, J. F. and Inall, M. (2024) Dependency of simulated tropical Atlantic current variability on the wind forcing. Open Access Ocean Science, 20 (2). pp. 307-339. DOI 10.5194/os-20-307-2024.

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Biastoch, A. , Rühs, S. , Ivanciu, I. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Veitch, J., Reason, C., Zorita, E., Tim, N., Hünicke, B., Vafeidis, A. T., Santamaria-Aguilar, S., Kupfer, S. and Soltau, F. (2024) The Agulhas Current System as an important driver for oceanic and terrestrial climate. Open Access In: Sustainability of southern African ecosystems under global change. , ed. by von Maltitz, G., Midgleiy, G. F., Veitch, J., Brümmer, C., Rötter, R., Viehberg, F. and Veste, M.. Ecological Studies, 248 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 191-220. ISBN 978-3-031-10950-8


Böning, C. W. , Wagner, P. , Handmann, P. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Getzlaff, K. and Biastoch, A. (2023) Decadal changes in Atlantic overturning due to the excessive 1990s Labrador Sea convection. Open Access Nature Communications, 14 (1). Art.Nr. 4635. DOI 10.1038/s41467-023-40323-9.


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Rühs, S. , Schmidt, C. , Schubert, R. , Schulzki, T. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Le Bars, D. and Biastoch, A. (2022) Robust estimates for the decadal evolution of Agulhas leakage from the 1960s to the 2010s. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 3 (1). Art.Nr. 318. DOI 10.1038/s43247-022-00643-y.

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Schulzki, T. , Harlaß, J. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Biastoch, A. (2022) Toward ocean hindcasts in earth system models: AMOC variability in a partially coupled model at eddying resolution. Open Access Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14 (12). Art.Nr. e2022MS003200. DOI 10.1029/2022MS003200.


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Biastoch, A. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Getzlaff, K. , Rühs, S. , Martin, T. , Scheinert, M. , Schulzki, T. G. , Handmann, P. , Hummels, R. and Böning, C. W. (2021) Regional Imprints of Changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Eddy-rich Ocean Model VIKING20X. Open Access Ocean Science, 17 . pp. 1177-1211. DOI 10.5194/os-17-1177-2021.

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Schmidt, C. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Rühs, S. and Biastoch, A. (2021) Characteristics and robustness of Agulhas leakage estimates: an inter-comparison study of Lagrangian methods. Open Access Ocean Science, 17 . pp. 1067-1080. DOI 10.5194/os-17-1067-2021.


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Matthes, K. , Biastoch, A. , Wahl, S. , Harlaß, J. , Martin, T. , Brücher, T., Drews, A. , Ehlert, D., Getzlaff, K. , Krüger, F., Rath, W. , Scheinert, M. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Bayr, T. , Schmidt, H. and Park, W. (2020) The Flexible Ocean and Climate Infrastructure Version 1 (FOCI1): Mean State and Variability. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 13 . pp. 2533-2568. DOI 10.5194/gmd-13-2533-2020.

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Daher, H. , Beal, L. M. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2020) A New Improved Estimation of Agulhas Leakage Using Observations and Simulations of Lagrangian Floats and Drifters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125 (4). Art.Nr. e2019JC015753. DOI 10.1029/2019JC015753.


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Tim, N. , Zorita, E. , Emeis, K. C., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Biastoch, A. and Hünicke, B. (2019) Analysis of the position and strength of westerlies and trades with implications for Agulhas leakage and South Benguela upwelling. Open Access Earth System Dynamics, 10 (4). pp. 847-858. DOI 10.5194/esd-10-847-2019.

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Schubert, R. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Baschek, B. and Biastoch, A. (2019) Submesoscale Impacts on Mesoscale Agulhas Dynamics. Open Access Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11 (8). pp. 2745-2767. DOI 10.1029/2019MS001724.

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Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Biastoch, A. , Böning, C. W. , Chanut, J., Durgadoo, J. V. , Getzlaff, K. , Harlaß, J. , Rieck, J. K. , Roth, C., Scheinert, M. M. and Schubert, R. (2019) The INALT family – a set of high-resolution nests for the Agulhas Current system within global NEMO ocean/sea-ice configurations. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 12 . pp. 3329-3355. DOI 10.5194/gmd-12-3329-2019.

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Rühs, S. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Speich, S. and Biastoch, A. (2019) Cold vs. warm water route – sources for the upper limb of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation revisited in a high-resolution ocean model. Open Access Ocean Science, 15 . pp. 489-512. DOI 10.5194/os-15-489-2019.

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Wagner, P. , Rühs, S. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Koszalka, I. M. and Biastoch, A. (2019) Can Lagrangian Tracking Simulate Tracer Spreading in a High-Resolution Ocean General Circulation Model?. Open Access Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49 (5). pp. 1141-1157. DOI 10.1175/JPO-D-18-0152.1.


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Tim, N. , Zorita, E. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Rühs, S. , Emeis, K. and Biastoch, A. (2018) The impact of Agulhas leakage on the central water masses in the Benguela upwelling system from a high‐resolution ocean simulation. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123 . pp. 9416-9428. DOI 10.1029/2018JC014218.

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Jin, X., Kwon, Y. O., Ummenhofer, C. C., Seo, H., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Biastoch, A. , Böning, C. W. and Wright, J. S. (2018) Influences of Pacific Climate Variability on Decadal Subsurface Ocean Heat Content Variations in the Indian Ocean. Open Access Journal of Climate, 31 (10). pp. 4157-4174. DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0654.1.


Kiko, R. , Biastoch, A. , Brandt, P. , Cravatte, S., Hauss, H. , Hummels, R., Kriest, I. , Marin, F., McDonnell, A. M. P., Oschlies, A. , Picheral, M., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Thurnherr, A. M. and Stemmann, L. (2017) Biological and physical influences on marine snowfall at the equator. Nature Geoscience, 10 (11). pp. 852-858. DOI 10.1038/ngeo3042.

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Scott, R., Biastoch, A. , Agamboue, P. D., Bayer, T. , Boussamba, F. L., Formia, A., Godley, B. J., Mabert, B. D. K., Manfoumbi, J. C., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Sounguet, G. P., Wagner, P. and Witt, M. J. (2017) Spatio-temporal variation in ocean current-driven hatchling dispersion: Implications for the world's largest leatherback sea turtle nesting region. Open Access Diversity and Distributions, 23 (6). pp. 604-614. DOI 10.1111/ddi.12554.


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McGregor, S., Spence, P., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , England, M. H., Santoso, A., Kessler, W. S., Timmermann, A. and Böning, C. W. (2014) ENSO-driven interhemispheric Pacific mass transports. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (9). pp. 6221-6237. DOI 10.1002/2014JC010286.

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Griffies, S. M., Yin, J., Durack, P. J., Goddard, P., Bates, S. C., Behrens, E., Bentsen, M., Bi, D., Biastoch, A. , Böning, C. W. , Bozec, A., Chassignet, E., Danabasoglu, G., Danilov, S., Domingues, C. M., Drange, H., Farneti, R., Fernandez, E., Greatbatch, R. J. , Holland, D. M., Ilicak, M., Large, W. G., Lorbacher, K., Lu, J., Marsland, S. J., Mishra, A., George Nurser, A. J., Salas y Mélia, D., Palter, J. B., Samuels, B. L., Schröter, J., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Sidorenko, D., Treguier, A. M., Tseng, Y. h., Tsujino, H., Uotila, P., Valcke, S., Voldoire, A., Wang, Q., Winton, M. and Zhang, X. (2014) An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Ocean Modelling, 78 . pp. 35-89. DOI 10.1016/j.ocemod.2014.03.004.

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Duteil, O. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Böning, C. W. and Oschlies, A. (2014) Major role of the equatorial current system in setting oxygen levels in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean: a high-resolution model study. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 41 . pp. 2033-2040. DOI 10.1002/2013GL058888.

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van Sebille, E., Sprintall, J., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Sen Gupta, A., Santoso, A., England, M. H., Biastoch, A. and Böning, C. W. (2014) Pacific-to-Indian Ocean connectivity: Tasman leakage, Indonesian Throughflow, and the role of ENSO. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119 (2). pp. 1365-1382. DOI 10.1002/2013JC009525.


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Ummenhofer, C. C., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Meyers, G., Behrens, E., Biastoch, A. and Böning, C. W. (2013) Pacific Ocean Contribution to the Asymmetry in Eastern Indian Ocean Variability. Open Access Journal of Climate, 26 . pp. 1152-1171. DOI 10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00673.1.


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Behrens, E., Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Lübbecke, J. F. and Böning, C. W. (2012) Model simulations on the long-term dispersal of 137Cs released into the Pacific Ocean off Fukushima. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 7 (3). 034004. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/7/3/034004.


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Czeschel, R., Stramma, L. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. , Giese, B. S., Funk, A. and Karstensen, J. (2011) Middepth circulation of the eastern tropical South Pacific and its link to the oxygen minimum zone. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116 . C01015. DOI 10.1029/2010JC006565.

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Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Böning, C. W. (2011) Contribution of Pacific wind stress to multi-decadal variations in upper-ocean heat content and sea level in the tropical south Indian Ocean. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 38 . L12602. DOI 10.1029/2011GL047651.

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Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Böning, C. W. (2011) Geht den tropischen Ozeanen die Luft aus? Ventilation der Sauerstoffminimumzonen in den tropischen Ozeanen. Open Access In: Forschung im HLRN-Verbund 2011. . Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin, Germany, pp. 90-91. ISBN 978-3-00-034131-1


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Biastoch, A. , Böning, C. W. , Schwarzkopf, F. U. and Lutjeharms, J. R. E. (2009) Increase in Agulhas leakage due to poleward shift of Southern Hemisphere westerlies. Nature, 462 . pp. 495-498. DOI 10.1038/nature08519.


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Böning, C. W. , Dispert, A., Visbeck, M. , Rintoul, S. R. and Schwarzkopf, F. U. (2008) The response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to recent climate change. Nature Geoscience, 1 . pp. 864-869. DOI 10.1038/ngeo362.

This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 16:06:56 2025 CET.