GEOMAR Forschen Dynamik des Ozeanbodens Magmatische und Hydrothermale Systeme (MuHS) Schwerpunkte MUHS-P T-SECTOR Instrumentation
1) iCAP-TQ ICPMS to determine element concentrations throughout the periodic table on bulk rock dissolutions.
2) NEOMA MC-ICPMS Performance Package that includes four 1013Ω amplifiers for high precision isotope ratio analysis of Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf on <<10mg N-MORB glass.
3) MAT253 Plus IRMS with KIEL iV carbonate preparation for high precision, high throughput of C and O on foraminifera to establish high resolution geochronology in the cores.
4) Ocean Bottom Seismometers to spatially enlarge the arrays for the off-axis ocean crust surveys
5) AGILENT 8900 TQ-ICPMS for high precision, high throughput determination of element concentrations throughout the periodic table of N-MORB glass by Laser Ablation