How to apply: winter semester 2025-2026

Application period: March 1 to April 15, 2025

For WS 2025/2026 application is possible only via uni assist (download short manual how to apply).


Program requirements

Entry to the program requires a completed bachelor's degree with a biological focus. Applicants with a non-biological B.Sc. other than biology have to demonstrate at least 60 ECTS within the field of biology. This has to be verified by module descriptions (in German or English) with your application. You can apply for the course if you will be awarded your bachelor's degree this year. If the final bachelor's degree has not been awarded when you apply, you must submit a list of your graded completed modules with your application. For applicants from China, Vietnam and India, the APS certificate is an absolute requirement to apply to a German university.


Minimum entrance requirements:

  1. Bachelor of Science degree with a minimum grade average of ‘good (-)’, equivalent to a German university system grade of 2.5. All applications will be checked by uni-assist based on your completed applications.
  2. Bachelor of Science in Biology or a B.Sc. other than biology but with >30% (ca. 60 ECTS) of the total ECTS points entailing biological modules. For B. Sc. degrees other than biology this has to be verified by submitting official module descriptions (in German or English) with your application.
  3. Proficiency in English (mandatory for non-native speakers): CEFR* level C1, TOEFL (internet based 90 at minimum), IELTS (Band 6.5 at minimum), University of Cambridge (Certificate in Advanced English at minimum), etc..

*: Many European universities provide courses and exams according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) regulations free of costs for their students. Ask your university language department for support.



Results of the application process will be communicated at the beginning of June. Information on how to enroll will be provided then. Courses start in the middle of October.

If you need further information regarding the application process and the program in general, please contact the study coordinator M. Sc. Biological Oceanography (link, for technical questions) or the curriculum coordinator (link, for question related to educational and scientific objectives of the program).

Information for international applicants/students:



  • Next application period: March 1 to April 15, 2025!

    More information at "how to aply"

  • PD Dr. Frank Melzner
    Curriculum Coordinator
    Hohenbergstrasse 2
    Room 13
    Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4274
    E-mail: fmelzner(at)

    Dr. Jörg Süling
    Study Coordinator
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    Room 4.115
    Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4454
    E-mail: jsueling(at)
    Consultation Tuesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 8-9 am - currently via zoom

    Annegret Stuhr
    Room 323
    Phone: +49 431 600-4028
    Email: astuhr(at)

  • OLAT is the central online learning platform of CAU. On OLAT you always find recent material for lectures, seminars etc. 

  • Chairman of Examination Board 

    Prof. Dr. Thorsten Reusch
    Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Düsternbrooker Weg 20
    24105 Kiel
    Room: A 31
    Phone: +49 431 600-4550
    E-Mail: treusch(at)

    Office Examination Board (web)

    Marianne Lange  Tel. 0431/880-3724 (Raum E 50)
    Ines Wetzel   Tel. 0431/880-4157 (Raum E 51)

    Prüfungsamt Biologie
    Am Botanischen Garten 7
    24118 Kiel
    FAX 0431/880-5704


  • Exam registration: If you encounter exam registration problems please contact exam office biology (Office Examination Board (web)).

    Generally: for imported courses and courses outside of M. Sc. Biological Oceanography please always contact the person in charge of the module you are attending and the corresponding exam office.


    Students service